International Master’s Fellowships
This scheme offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level.
Scheme at a glance
Career stage:
Tooltip ,Postgraduate training
Where your host organisation is based:
Tooltip ,Low- or middle-income countries (apart from India and mainland China)
Type of researcher: Tooltip ,Basic Clinical,Public health
Level of funding:
£120,000 including salary, studentship stipend, fees and research expenses
Duration of funding:
30 months (12 months taught Master’s course and 18 months research project)
Eligibility and suitability
Who can apply
You can apply for an International Master's Fellowship if:
you're a national of a low- or middle-income country
your proposed research focuses on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country
you have sponsorship from an eligible host organisation in a low- or middle-income country.
You must:
- hold a clinical or non-clinical undergraduate degree in a relevant subject
- be at an early stage in your career with limited research experience (but you must have demonstrated interest in, or aptitude for, research).
- Your research proposal
- Your research proposal should be within our science remit and focus on a health priority in a low- or middle-income country.
When we consider your application, we'll look at the:
- quality and importance of your research question(s)
- feasibility of your approach to solving these problems
- suitability of your choice of research environments
- suitability of the taught Master of Science (MSc) course you select – it should take place at a recognised centre of excellence and provide you with training that will complement your research project.
- Who can't apply
You can’t apply if you’re:
- intending to be based in the UK, Republic of Ireland or another high-income country(opens in a new tab) (although your taught course can be anywhere in the world)
- planning to do a Master of Research (MRes)
- a researcher in India – instead see the Wellcome Trust/Department of Biotechnology India Alliance(opens in a new tab)
- a researcher based in mainland China – we're currently unable to accept applications
- currently applying for another Wellcome Trust fellowship.
We wouldn't usually expect you to apply if you already have a Master's.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: