Many types of awards and awards opportunities
Unlike scholarships and fellowships as well as grants, which motivate scientists and scholars, writers and journalists to act in an excellent way and in future produce recognizable products in their fields, awards are granted only to acknowledge the significance of ones work after it has been introduced to international or local audience.
Science academic awards until recently have been most popular types of awards. With the advancement of different fields of information technology IT awards and scholarships are now regularly announced and prevail in the overall award announcements field.
Awards are announced primarily by foundations, as well as international organizations and academic institutions. Undergraduate academic awards are popular among student councils, University departments, foundations and NGOs. For example the most popular award in the Universities till now remains the “Best Student Award” granted by the University head to the best undergraduate or graduate students. Graduate awards similarly are announced by research institutions and are a good incentive for the advancement of graduate and postgraduate research. Postgraduate awards are usually granted to authors of groundbreaking research published as an article or monograph in renowned journals and publishing houses.
Apart from science and education awards there are many other awards in Arts, Culture, Medicine and other fields of human activities. Academy Awards, or better known as Oscar, are the most popular among those which honor achievements in cinematography. On the other hand every year Sony, National Geographic, Reuters and other organizations feature best photos with photography awards.
To acknowledge the advancement in education, science, technology and other fields, awards may also include monetary gifts as well as expensive prizes.
Regularly updated award database on ARMACAD
The database of those organizations which award grants and scholarships, prizes and fellowships is updated daily on armacad.info. Awards in science and humanities, photography, cinematography, medicine awards and awards in IT are scattered in thousands of different internet resources. It is due to ARMACAD’s daily activities, that awards database is updated regularly and representatives of each field may find interesting award announcements and apply to those. While putting together all awards we have put special attention to postgraduate awards database and graduate awards database may be used by any student, scholar and scientist worldwide.