Call for CIMPA Fellowships 2021 "Research in Pairs"
The CIMPA fellowships program "Research in Pairs" makes it possible for researchers in mathematics based in a developing country to come to Europe to collaborate with a colleague for a period of at least 6 weeks. During this period, it is expected that these two people will work together on a well-substantiated research project, mainly in the institute of the European colleague.
The maximum amount of support is 10,000 euros. Alone or with other supports, this should cover all the costs (transportation, accommodation, insurance, PCR test, quarantine, etc.) of the laureate during the entire visit.
Applications for a visit between the beginning of September and the end of December 2021 are open until 15 June and must be submitted through this online form. A PDF version of this form is available for preview, containing the fields to be filled out as well as additional details on the terms and conditions.
The specific details of this call are:
- The candidate is a researcher holding a PhD in mathematics who is based in a developing country at the time of the application;
- The European colleague is a researcher holding a PhD in mathematics who will be based, throughout the candidate’s entire stay, in one of the following countries: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland;
- During the stay, the laureate must include a visit to CIMPA on the campus of Université Côte d'Azur in order to record/broadcast a mini-course (approximately 8 hours, in French or English) on mathematics related to her/his research topic;
- The laureate and his/her colleague may propose to carry out part of their collaboration (one to two weeks) in one of the partner centres: CRM, CIRM, ICTP. In this case, the cost of the colleague’s stay (but not the travel) will be covered by CIMPA or the partner centre in addition to the financial support already offered. The laureate will have to ensure that the centre is available for a visit as soon as he or she is appointed;
- In addition to his or her collaborative research project, the laureate may schedule visits to other laboratories or centres (not limited to the above countries) to meet with other colleagues or attend courses or conferences. This "non-collaboration" time will represent no more than 1/3 of the total time of the visit.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.