The 2022 edition of the Summer School ‘5G: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead’ is organized to offer 6 ECTS (48 hours of front lessons) in the broad field of 5G networks, targeting an audience of Bachelor (last year), Master and PhD students, early stage researchers and practitioners from Academia or Industry.
The technologies, opportunities and research challenges of 5G networks will be presented and discussed during the school.
Lessons will be held in English at the Meeting Room of the Department of Information Engineering (DII), via G. Caruso 16, Pisa, Italy.
The program will be activated also in distance learning mode (TEAMS platform).
Course leader
Prof. Luca Sanguinetti
Target group
Bachelor (last year), Master and PhD students, in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Management) disciplines, early stage researchers and practitioners from Academia or Industry.
Course aim
Together with high-capacity fixed networks, 5G will provide the connectivity needed for the digital transformation. With respect to previous generations, 5G constitutes a revolutionary transformation of communications: its new radio improves performance in terms of speed, latency, terminal density and power consumption. However, the real novelty of 5G is the revolution it entails in terms of creating and facilitating new and diversified services and enabling new non-human users. Thanks to its software network and full integration with the cloud, 5G will enable new use scenarios, with a significant impact in every sector: agriculture, commerce, defence, energy, finance, health, industry, media, public administration, safety, transport, tourism.
The summer school provides lessons, from the industry and academic community, about the enabling technologies and methodologies in 5G networks and applications. The 5G Summer School aspires to give attendees the opportunity to learn about the architecture and promise of 5G networks. No prior familiarity with the technology is required, and the intent is to give the attendees a solid foundation in the technology, the current issues and the key user benefits.
A final exam is foreseen. After passing the exam the University of Pisa will register the course as an official exam of 6 ECTS.
Fee info
EUR 250: Tuition fees
Available. Contact the coordinator for further details.
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