SMART Fellowship Programme
The ICGEB SMART Fellowship programme promotes the mobility of researchers between ICGEB Member States as a way of enhancing skill development, acquisition of specific hands-on training in new technologies and increasing cooperation in science and technology and should show clear evidence of strong collaboration between the two laboratories.
The programme promotes the mobility of researchers between ICGEB Member States as a way of enhancing skill development, acquisition of specific hands-on training in technologies available in the receiving laboratory and increasing bilateral cooperation in science and technology, and should show clear evidence of strong collaboration between the two laboratories. Applicants should focus on the impact for the fellow’s career, the benefit to the applicant’s home laboratory and the suitability of the receiving laboratory.
The call is open to nationals of ICGEB Member States and provides fellowships to scientists in the early stage of their career wishing to spend between 3 and 9 months at a research institution in an ICGEB Member State other than their own. SMART Fellowships are intended to promote collaboration among researchers in ICGEB Member Countries. Mobility support to laboratories located in Italy, India and South Africa can be considered under exceptional circumstances and only if the research activity proposed is not covered by one of the ICGEB laboratories in Trieste, New Delhi or Cape Town. If the latter case applies, please see ICGEB Arturo Falaschi Short-term fellowships programme. There is no age limit. However, preference is given to young scientists at the beginning of their research career.Applicants should be either registered for a PhD or have obtained their PhD degree within the last 5 years. Young scientists holding an MSc or equivalent can apply.SMART Fellowships support mobility between laboratories located in Member States.Awards are not intended to prolong visits begun under other auspices; to support participation in courses, workshops or symposia or as bridging fellowships between, or prior to, long term stays funded by ICGEB or other organizations.
Terms and Benefits
Awards are for a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 9 months. The fellowship covers international economy return travel, health insurance plus subsistence of the fellow only. The stipend ranges from US$ 800 to 1,500 per month according to local conditions in the receiving country and seniority of the applicant. Additionally, a US$ 500 monthly bench fee can be paid directly to the receiving laboratory based on the recommendation of the ICGEB Fellowships Committee.The fellowship stipend will be paid by bank transfer directly to the fellow’s bank account. Upon joining the receiving laboratory, ICGEB will transfer the bench fee allocation to the receiving laboratory, which will be responsible for the management of the funds and the certification of expenditures to ICGEB. The receiving laboratory is expected ensure that adequate provisions are in place for the specific research project and to make the bench fee allocation available to the ICGEB SMART Fellow immediately, free from any administrative overhead costs. ICGEB makes no financial provision, nor can it provide administrative support for family members of participants in the programme.
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