ADBI 25th Anniversary Essay Contest: Priorities for Shaping Asia’s Future Sustainable Development, 2022, Japan

Publish Date: Jun 05, 2022

Deadline: Jul 11, 2022

Discuss a socioeconomic challenge that will significantly impact prosperity and well-being in Asia and the Pacific over the next decade and should be prioritized by regional and global think tanks.

What We’re Looking For
On the occasion of the Asian Development Bank Institute’s (ADBI) 25th anniversary, ADBI invites young scholars and professionals (32 years old and below) from Asian Development Bank (ADB) member economies to submit a 600-800-word essay on a socioeconomic challenge that will significantly impact prosperity and well-being in Asia and the Pacific over the next decade and should be prioritized by regional and global think tanks.

Authors should focus on one of the following themes
Addressing Remaining Poverty and Reducing Inequality
While Asia and the Pacific has made tremendous progress in reducing income poverty, much more needs to be done to address non-income dimensions of poverty and vulnerability, promote social inclusion and development, and build post-COVID-19 social protection and resilience.

Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality
Equal access to economic opportunities for men and women is key to building prosperity and sustainability. Tackling gender inequality requires broad social engagement and breakthroughs in areas such as economic empowerment and access to land, financial instruments, and digital tools.

Fostering Regional Cooperation and Integration
Fostering regional cooperation and integration promotes trade that benefits both developed and developing economies while mitigating the risks. It can also boost investment in infrastructure, which is more difficult now due to COVID-19 pressure on public funding and requires greater private financing.

Making Cities More Livable
Urban populations have increased sharply in recent decades and the trend is expected to continue. It is especially pronounced in developing Asia, giving rise to myriad environmental and urban challenges such as the spread of informal settlements and high water, sanitation, and transportation demand.

Promoting Rural Development and Food Security
Asia and the Pacific has strengthened its food security considerably, but the burden of feeding the world’s growing population still falls heavily on developing countries. Ongoing challenges include the decreasing rural population, unsustainable land and natural resources use, and climate change.

Strengthening Governance and Institutional Capacity
Good governance and effective public management are essential for economic development. Strengthening governance will also be critical to raising the sustainable and inclusive growth potential of economies across Asia and the Pacific and their capacity to address rapid socioeconomic change.
Tackling Climate Change, Building Climate and Disaster Resilience, and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability
Asia and the Pacific is the world's most natural disaster-prone region. The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather such as typhoons and droughts due to climate change pose a growing threat to both people’s lives and livelihoods, and economic stability in the region.

Submission Procedure

  • Interested authors should submit an essay of 600–800 words in English
  • Essay submissions should include a title, author name and affiliation, and contact information

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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