Online Summer School
Viadrinicum 2020
Viadrinicum is an annual summer school devoted to the countries of the Eastern Partnership, and the larger context of Central and Eastern Europe. This year‘s edition is designed as a digital transsectoral lab on (post-)migration, aiming to tackle the notion of (post-)migrant society from multiple theoretical and methodological angles. With the help of online academic seminars the school will allow its participants to deepen theoretical insights into the topics of (post-)migration, convivial diversity and multilocal belonging.
Besides that, the participants will be able to enhance their practical and methodological skills in the framework of several project-oriented workshops, organised in the respective countries of their residence with the help of local partners.
Students, PhD candidates, young NGO activists and artists (up to 35 years of age) from all fields are invited to apply.w
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: