Conf/CfP - Belonging & Mobility, 2022, Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands

Publish Date: Jun 12, 2022

Deadline: Jun 30, 2022

Event Dates: from Apr 19, 2023 12:00 to Apr 21, 2023 12:00

NIAS invites researchers, artists, writers and journalists to participate in its 2nd international conference in the domain ‘Studies of Belonging’. Following the success of our first conference, held in 2021, we aim to help move the field forwards by holding our upcoming conference on the theme of ‘Belonging and Mobility’.
They look forward to once again bringing together a diverse and inclusive community of people working on ‘Studies of Belonging’, and in doing so, to provide a platform for the wealth of interdisciplinary and international collaborations active on the topic.

Submit your proposal
The call for the NIAS Conference 2023 'Belonging and Mobility' is open from 30 May to 30 June 2022. Artists, scholars, writers, and journalists are invited to submit a proposal.

Before you start
Please make sure to have all necessary information and documents at hand. If you want to submit a paper for the NIAS Conference Belonging and Mobility, you need to upload the following documents (pdf, doc, docx):

Project proposal: A project description of max. 200 words, including the title of your paper, your research question and the relation of the project to existing literature in the field. Every proposal is to indicate a preferred connection to one of the five spheres. 

There are four options for participation, each with its own submission requirements:

  • Full Session, a panel to consist of 4 individual presentations. Session proposal of max. 200 words to be submitted by Session Coordinator, along with max. 200 word descriptions of each individual contribution submitted by each Session Member
  • Individual Presentation. Proposal max. 200 words
  • Lighting Papers, short Pecha Kucha-like presentations. Proposal max. 150 words
  • Artistic Presentations, Experiments, or Performances. Proposal of max. 150 words along with any additional relevant documentation

Selection will be based on

  • the fit with one of the spheres
  • profoundness and originality of its take on belonging
  • interdisciplinarity of approach, method, perspective
  • We will strive to ensure an inclusive conference programme which contains diversity of ideas and perspectives, gender and geographic representation will therefore be considered as appropriate.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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