Croatian Ministry of Science and Education Scholarships 2018/19, Republic of Croatia

Publish Date: Feb 19, 2018

Deadline: Mar 16, 2018

Croatian Ministry of Science and Education Scholarships

The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia through the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes offers scholarships for foreign students and professors of higher education institutions as well as research fellows who intend to gain further professional experience in Croatian institutions of higher education or research.

Scholarships can be applied for under two different application pools



Applications are accepted only when delivered by competent authorities responsible for the implementation of scholarships programmes and cannot be submitted individually. Applications (for the pool 1) from countries that are not on the list will not be taken into consideration. 


This application pool is open only for citizens of countries (and territories) that have a valid/effective educational co-operation programme with Croatia, or a bilateral agreement signed by the Croatian Government or the Ministry of Science and Education and the relevant ministry of the given country (or territory). Applications of the students enrolled in the institutions of the above specified countries (and territories), but without a citizenship of these same countries (or territories) will not be accepted. 


  • Two scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Two scholarships for undergraduate/graduate studies of the Croatian language and literature in duration of one semester each
  • Scholarships of up to 8 months for study visits, in the duration of 1 to 2 months individually
  • Four scholarships for a summer course of the Croatian language and literature


  • Three scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Two scholarships for undergraduate (BA/BSc), graduate (MA/MSc) or postgraduate (PhD) study (whereby the students of Croatian language and literature have priority)


  • One scholarship for a research visit (up to 3 months) for associate or higher ranking professors or for researchers holding minimum a PhD or an equivalent degree

GERMANY (Bavaria) 

  • Two scholarships for partial study for undergraduate (BA/BSc)/graduate (MA/MSc) study (one academic year)
  • Two scholarships for partial postgraduate (PhD) study or research visit
  • Four scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Two scholarships of ten (10) months each, for postgraduate studies or research Two scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Scholarship for semester/partial studies for undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/MSc) students for the duration of three to ten (3-10) months for Croatian Language and Literature students.
  • Scholarship for postgraduate studies or research for the duration of 3-21 days or 1-10 months.
  • Scholarship for full PhD programme for the duration of 36 months
  • Scholarship for postdoctoral studies and research for the duration of 1-10 months; scholarships for research visit for the duration of 3-21 days or 1-10 months.
  • Four scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature.
  • Scholarships for full undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate studies for members of the Croatian national minority in Hungary.


  • One scholarship for postgraduate studies and research for the duration of eight (8) months


  • Five scholarships for semester studies for Croatian Language and Literature students
  • Twelve (12) months of scholarships for members of the Croatian national minority in Italy


  • Two scholarships for semester studies for undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/MSc) students in the field of Croatian studies
  • Eight (8) months of scholarships for study visits for the duration of one (1) or two (2) months each
  • Two (2) scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Twenty months of scholarships for undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/MSc) studies for the duration of one (1) or two (2) semesters
  • Eight (8) months of scholarships for research visits for graduate/postgraduate (PhD) studies for the duration of one (1) or two (2) months each


  • Four scholarships for semester studies for Croatian Language and Literature students
  • Three scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


  • Scholarships to Portuguese students and researchers, for undergraduate or postgraduate studies of Croatian language and literature
  • Scholarships for the summer course of Croatian language and culture


  • Two (2) semester scholarships for Croatian Language and Literature students
  • Two (2) scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature
  • Two (2) scholarships for full undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate studies for members of the Croatian national minority in Romania


  • Fifteen (15) months of scholarships for undergraduate (BA/BSc) and graduate (MA/MSc) study for the duration of four (4) months minimum and for postgraduate studies or research for the duration of minimum one (1) month
  • Two scholarships for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature 
  • Five (5) scholarships for full undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate studies for members of the Croatian national minority in the Slovak Republic


  • Two scholarships for postgraduate studies or research for the duration of eight (8) months each


  • Two scholarships for semester studies for Croatian Language and Literature students
  • One scholarship for the summer course of Croatian Language and Literature


This application pool is open only for applications by students of language departments of Croatian language and literature abroad, regardless whether or not their respective countries have a valid cooperation programme or a bilateral agreement with Croatia, i.e., regardless of whether or not the language department of Croatian language and literature falls under the jurisdiction of the Ministry. If applicable an application must be submitted by the Croatian language fellow. The above mentioned students can apply for the following scholarship types:

  • A/1. one semester studies for students of Croatian Language abroad
  • F. summer course in the summer of 2018 (2 weeks)

Cases of non-eligibility

  • Foreign citizens with a residence permit or in the course of applying for a residence permit in Croatia cannot apply;
  • Students already enrolled in a study programme in Croatia cannot apply;
  • Students applying for part-time study programmes cannot apply;
  • Students applying for private higher education institutions cannot apply.
  • Candidates without the citizenship of the country which nominates them

Age limits for applicants

  • 25 years for scholarships for undergraduate/graduate studies;
  • 35 years for scholarships for postgraduate studies;
  • 45 years for postdoctoral scholarships.

There are no age limits for the following types of scholarships:

  • research visit
  • summer courses


  • undergraduate/graduate (A1, A2, B)
  1. 1.600,00 HRK - monthly allowance
  2. subsidized accommodation in the student dormitory and subsidized meals at student restaurants
  • full PhD or partial PhD studies longer than 10 days (C1, C2)
  1. 1.800,00 HRK - monthly allowance 7 / 15
  2. subsidized accommodation in the student dormitory and subsidized meals at student restaurants
  • postdoctoral studies or research longer than 10 days (D, E)
  1. 1.800,00 HRK - monthly allowance
  2. subsidized accommodation in the student dormitory
  • short research stay (3-10) days (E)
  1. 150,00 HRK per diem
  2. subsidized accommodation in the student dormitory
  • summer course (2 weeks)
  1. Tuition-free course
  2. free accommodation and meals

The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes reserve the right to change the financial benefits for scholarship holders stated in the Call for Applications, during the scholarship period, according to the Croatian legislation and financial regulations in force.


Every application must contain two copies of the documents listed below in one of the following languages: Croatian or English.

One semester studies for students of Croatian Language abroad:

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form
  • A photocopy of passport o Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • Transcript of the last two completed semesters at the home institution (Copy of BA/BSc degree - for those who have completed a BA/BSc programme)
  • Letter of interest o Recommendation of a Croatian language fellow at the home institution, co-signed by the Head of Department o Copy of enrolment at the applicant's home institution o Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition 

Semester/partial studies (3-10 months):

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form o A photocopy of passport o Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • Transcript of the last two completed semesters at the home institution (Copy of BA/BSc degree - for those who have completed a BA/BSc programme)
  • Letter of interest
  • Certificate of proficiency in Croatian - unless there is another working language agreed upon for the proposed course/programme (to be attached to the letter of invitation)
  • Copy of enrolment at the applicant's home institution
  • Letter of invitation by the host institution in Croatia signed by the Head of Department
  • Two letters of recommendation 11 / 15
  • Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition

Undergraduate/graduate studies:

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form
  • A photocopy of passport o Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • Letter of interest o Copy of the last acquired Certificate or Diploma o A proof of adequate knowledge of English, or Croatian language - minimum A1 (a language certificate of the school of foreign languages; transcript of records from school, or from undergraduate studies)
  • Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition
  • Copy of the enrolment certificate (for undergraduate / graduate programme), submitted after successful completion of enrolment process

Partial PhD studies (up to 12 months):

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form
  • A photocopy of passport
  • Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • List of publications
  • Copy of the highest degree/diploma received
  • Precise and detailed work plan - maximum two pages
  • Certificate of proficiency in Croatian - unless there is another working language agreed upon for the proposed course/programme (to be attached to the letter of invitation)
  • Two letters of recommendation: one by the applicant's home institution, one by the supervisor in Croatia
  • Copy of enrolment in the doctoral programme in the applicant's home country
  • Letter of invitation by the dean of the higher education institution in Croatia offering the doctoral programme
  • Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition

Postdoctoral studies, research (1-10 months):

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form
  • A photocopy of passport
  • Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • List of publications
  • Copy of the highest degree/diploma received
  • Precise and detailed work plan - maximum two pages
  • Certificate of proficiency in Croatian - unless there is another working language agreed upon for the proposed course/programme (to be attached to the letter of invitation)
  • Letters of recommendation from two recognized experts in the relevant discipline
  • Letter of invitation by the future host institution in Croatia
  • Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition

Research visit (3-21 days or 1-10 months):

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form 
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form o A photocopy of passport o Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • List of publications o Copy of the highest degree/diploma received (supporting document of associate or higher ranking professorship)
  • Precise and detailed work plan - maximum two pages
  • Certificate of proficiency in Croatian - unless there is another working language agreed upon for the proposed course/programme (to be attached to the letter of invitation)
  • Two letters of recommendation from two recognized experts in the relevant discipline 
  • Letter of invitation by the future host institution in Croatia
  • Medical certificate of satisfactory health condition 

Summer course in the summer of 2018 (2 weeks):

  • On-line and printed version of the Application form
  • One (1) identity card photo, affixed on the application form
  • A photocopy of passport
  • Curriculum Vitae (in Europass format)
  • Copy of enrolment at the applicant's home institution (for students) or copy of the highest degree/diploma received (for researchers, lecturers)
  • Letter of interest
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Proof of proficiency in Croatian language (minimum B1)

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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