Conf/CfP - Journal of Narrative Theory: Special Issue Proposals, 2022, US

Publish Date: Jul 03, 2022

Deadline: Jan 01, 2023

Journal of Narrative Theory welcomes proposals for guest-edited special issues covering a specific topic relating to narrative. JNT is a refereed, international journal that showcases theoretically sophisticated essays that examine narrative in a host of critical, interdisciplinary, or cross-cultural contexts. JNT is multi-genre, multi-period, multi-national.

Of particular interest are essays that examine history and narrative; cultural studies and popular culture; discourses of class, gender, sexuality, race, nationality, subalternity, and ethnicity; film theory, queer theory, and media studies; new historical, poststructural, or global approaches to narrative forms (literary or otherwise); along with essays that span or subvert epistemic and disciplinary boundaries. We do not publish quantitative research more suited for linguistics, sociology, or anthropology journals. Recent special issues have covered topics ranging from “New Narrative” and “Refugee Literature” to “Dis/Enabling Narratives” and “Bodies/Objects/Agents.”

Proposals for special issues can be sent to These proposals should offer a brief description of what the proposed special issue would look like and be about; information such as potential contributors and specific focuses within the scope of the topic the issue would seek to explore would also be helpful. 

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