CarnegieCaledonian PhD Scholarship
The prestigious Carnegie PhD Scholarship scheme supports graduates with first class Honours undergraduate degrees from a Scottish university, who wish to pursue three years of postgraduate research leading to a PhD at a university in Scotland. There is no restriction on the subject or field.
Number of scholarships 5
Valuec £18,100pa
Help with Equipment and study costs, Tuition fees, Living costs
Duration 3 years
Candidates must hold/be expected to obtain a 1st class degree from a Scottish University (Alongside existing graduates, final year undergraduate students expecting to achieve a First-Class Honours degree are also eligible for nomination. In faculties which do not award Honours, e.g. Medicine, the equivalent standard will be expected.)
In the first instance, candidates should contact a potential supervisor in the department/school of their choice.
To APPLY click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.