Postdoctoral funding for candidates with strong research skills.
The Humboldt Postdoctoral Scholarship funding line is designed to support 20 young researchers per year in taking the next step in their academic career after acquiring their PhD. The programme offers funding for the transition phase between the end of a doctorate and the beginning of a postdoctoral research project. The call for proposals is aimed at excellent researchers who either already hold a PhD or are about to complete their doctorate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and who wish to conduct a postdoctoral research project. The funding supports recipients as they prepare a project or an application for third-party funding.
Who can apply?
Outstanding researchers who either already hold a PhD or are about to complete their doctorate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and who wish to prepare or start a postdoctoral research project. Half of the scholarships will be awarded to women.
What are the relevant criteria?
The candidate’s PhD and research proposal should be of a high academic standard; the candidate should have an international network.
How much funding is provided?
Funding of €1,500 per month is awarded for up to six months; additional family allowances are available; travel expenses may be covered. In exceptional cases, funding can be extended for up to an additional six months.
What are the application deadlines?
The Humboldt Post-Doc Scholarships are awarded four times a year by the Selection Committee of the Institutional Strategy Funding Lines for Promoting Young Researchers. Application periods are
1 April to 15 May for funding starting 1 August
1 June to 15 July for funding starting 1 October
1 September to 15 October for funding starting 1 February
1 December to 15 January for funding starting 1 April.
The scholarship can only be started after the PhD thesis defense (disputation) and must commence by the start of the next funding cycle.
We cannot accept re-applications after you have received a notification of rejection.
What is the application procedure?
Applications can be received only via an online application portal. Applications must include the following documents:
- Completed online application
- Curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
- Outline of the proposed research project (max. 5,000 characters)
- Transcripts (B.A., M.A., PhD certificate or confirmation about the successful disputation or expected date of disputation)
- 1-3 key publications (e.g. paper, book chapter or a key public presentation)
- Letter of recommendation from your PhD supervisor or first assessor
Please note that all application documents must be submitted in German or English.
Applicants must upload their CV, certificates and/or transcripts as well as their key publications using the online application form.
The letter of recommendation should be sent directly to the Humboldt Graduate School by the closing date for applications.
The Selection Committee of the Institutional Strategy Funding Lines for Promoting Young Researchers determines the allocation of scholarships based on the guideline “Richtlinie für die Vergabe von Stipendien zur Erleichterung der Übergänge vor und nach einer Promotion aus Mitteln der 3. Förderlinie der Exzellenzinitiative von Bund und Ländern".
Deadline: May 15, 2017
For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: