The aim of this course is to give students insight into current developments in pharmaceutical policy making as well to give a better understanding of the methods available for analysing the effects of policy interventions.
Medicines are among the most regulated products in society. From the earliest pre-clinical stages onward, policy makers want to foster the development of safe, effective and affordable medicines for patients in need of pharmacotherapy. When a drug reaches the market, it is the beginning of a process of complex interactions between patients, prescribers, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and governments. Furthermore, the inequity in access to medicines is still a defining characteristic of the global pharmaceutical market place. The aim of the course is to give students insight into current developments in pharmaceutical policy making as well to give a better understanding of the methods available for analysing the effects of policy interventions.
You will experience an intensive programme covering the following topics: pharmaceutical policy analysis issues and methods; availability and affordability of medicines; universal health coverage; pricing and reimbursement (including the role of health technology assessment); regulatory issues and challenges; policy and politics; synthesis, case studies & public health.
Target audience
(Post)graduates and professionals within governments, NGOs, industry, universities with a basic knowledge of public health/medicine, who have an interest in the policy aspects of pharmaceuticals and/or pharmacoepidemiology.
Aim of the course
The aim of the course is to give students insight into current developments in pharmaceutical policy making as well as to give a better understanding of the methods available for analysing the effects of policy interventions.
Course fee: €975
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.