How do you see freedom and responsibility in your existence? What is your central vision on life and on being human? Do you know-from your own biography or in contact with people - the experience of an existential vacuum, the experience of meaninglessness? What does tragedy mean to you, that you and people have to suffer, that they feel shame and guilt, that existence is finite? Suffering matters! These questions were central to and important themes in the life and work of Viktor Frankl, who received more than 25 honorary doctorates while living as a professor of neurology and psychiatry in Vienna. The recovery movement in modern psychiatry underscores that you don't coincide with your illness. That brings Frankl's fundamental ideas in connection with this widely accepted movement. What is the current significance of his work? What is the utility of Frankl's approach today for the counseling practice of psychiatrists and psychotherapists? What is its usefulness for professionals on meaning? These questions, about the current meaning and the usefulness for one's own practice, are deepened during the Summer School course on the basis of contributions from experts from all over the world.
How do you see freedom and responsibility in your existence? What is your central vision on life and on being human? Do you know - from your own biography or in contact with people - the experience of an existential vacuum, the experience of meaninglessness? What does tragedy mean to you, that you and people have to suffer, that they feel shame and guilt, that existence is finite?
Suffering matters! These questions were central to and important themes in the life and work of Viktor Frankl, who received more than 25 honorary doctorates while living as a professor of neurology and psychiatry in Vienna. The recovery movement in modern psychiatry underscores that you don't coincide with your illness. That brings Frankl's fundamental ideas in connection with this widely accepted movement. What is the current significance of his work? What is the utility of Frankl's approach today for the counseling practice of psychiatrists and· psychotherapists? What is its usefulness for professionals on meaning? These questions, about the current meaning and the usefulness for one's own practice, are deepened during the Summer School course on the basis of contributions from experts from all over the world.
After this course you will be able to
- Gain insight into central concepts and approaches of Frankl and his descendants.
- Apply Frankl's concepts and approaches to their own basic attitude and position in counseling and (therapeutic) conversation.
- Analyze, in given practical situations, whether there is an existential vacuum and to suggest coping ways to deal with the experience of meaninglessness.
- Clarify the principle of life (Logos) on the basis of a practical example.
This course is designed for
Students and practitioners in care and welfare - in institutions or own practice in education, coaching and therapy.
Admission Requirements
A bachelor or master in the field of care, welfare, education or coaching.
Admission Documents
- Motivation letter
Course Fee: €250
ECTS credits: 2
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