Design thinking is a powerful holistic process that focuses on people and their needs and experiences. The process is iterative and flexible, emphasizing the collaboration between innovators and users. The design thinking aims to shift the paradigm from the innovation centered on technology and economy towards the one on human needs and experiences.
In the course, the students will learn and develop the essential skills behind design thinking. The course will enable the students to empathize with people, identify their needs, and systematically ideate, prototype, and test ideas. Through a series of practical and accumulative exercises, the students will create a design-thinking project.
This course is a companion to “Foundations of Sustainable Thinking”. Either course may be taken without the other. The two courses complement each other and prove more effective when taken together.
Course leader
Stefanie Holzheu, Dipl.-Ing. M.Arch. (Futurium, Berlin, Germany)
Dr. Sang Lee (TU Delft, Netherlands)
Target group
Students and professionals in business & marketing, product & service development, design, engineering, and architecture
Course aim
Upon successful completion of the course, the students will gain solid understanding of design thinking. They will be able to apply the five-stage model of design thinking defined by Hasso-Plattner Institute:
(1) Empathize – understand people and their needs and the problem to solve to meet such needs
(2) Define – analyze observations and synthesize them into a human-centered problem statement
(3) Ideate – identify new solutions
(4) Prototype – investigate the hypothetical solutions through low-cost, scaled down prototypes
(5) Test – test the best solutions identified during prototyping
Credits info: 3 EC
Fee info
EUR 720: 720 EUR for students
EUR 1120: 1120 EUR for working professionals
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