International dual PhD programme
The international dual PhD degree programme promotes the doctoral mobility and scientific cooperation. It allows a PhD student enrolling in the first year of a thesis, to carry out his/her research work under the responsibility of at least 2 PhD supervisors (Université de Paris – partner university) for the entire duration of the PhD.
What is an international dual PhD degree ?
It is a PhD degree, carried out both in a French institution of higher education and one or several foreign higher education institutions. The PhD student is therefore directed by a thesis supervisor in each institution. The student utimately obtains at least two degrees: one from the French higher education institution and the other from one or several international partner institutions.
Who can apply for it?
The future PhD supervisor of Université de Paris must be at the initiative of the dual PhD degree programme request or application.
The International Relations and Strategy Office (IRO) is responsable for the instruction of the international dual PhD degree agreement. They establish the terms and conditions of the thesis: duration, lengths of stay in each institution, the balanced payment of the registration fees, title of degrees, number of the defense jury’ members, place and deadline of the defense.
The College of the Doctoral School is in charge of the issues related to the thesis: pedagogical and administrative enrollment, defense…Etc
Note: the international co-supervision for a dual PhD degree agreement can be set up only during the first year of the PhD program in both institutions. Any request/application from a PhD student in a superior year will be refused by Université de Paris.
Application period
From the 14th of June 2021 until the 19th of November 2021
Three key actions
The international dual PhD degree has 3 key actions. All the undertakings listed thereafter are intended for national and international PhD students. They are necessary to set up the international dual PhD degree and to obtain the double degree from Université de Paris.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.