International Scholarships 2021-2022 at the University of Brescia, Italy

Publish Date: Mar 08, 2021

Deadline: Mar 15, 2021

The University of Brescia, in collaboration with and with the financial support of the Brescia Chamber of Commerce, for the Academic Year 2021/2022, hereby issues this Call for the awarding of no. 12 scholarships each of € 5,250 gross per year limited to the normal duration of the study programme to students holding a Bachelor’s Degree of the minimum duration of three years, obtained in a non-EU country, and who intend to enrol in one of the following Master's degree programmes in English:

  • Communication Technologies and Multimedia
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Management (International business Curriculum or Green Economy and Sustainability Curriculum)

The scholarships shall be distributed among applicants as follows:

1. As a maximum between study programmes 

• Communication Technologies and Multimedia maximum 4 scholarships 

• Civil and Environmental Engineering maximum 4 scholarships

• Management (International Business Curriculum or Green Economy and Sustainability) maximum of 4

2. to favour geographic representation in line with the internationalisation priorities of the University of Brescia and the Chamber of Commerce of the Province of Brescia.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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