Contributors sought for The Vanguard: War, Cold War, and the Founders of American Military Cryptology. This edited volume explores the unique stories and impact of figures that played key roles in the development of the United States communications intelligence community. Individual chapters will feature leaders such as the U.S. Navy’s Joseph N. Wenger, William Friedman understudy and later NSA executive Frank Rowlett, Special Branch chief Carter Clarke, and others, highlighting not only each of their personal journeys to the intelligence world but also the contribution and legacy each individual brought to the development of American military cryptology, including early efforts during the interwar period, important advances during the Second World War, and decisions that set the stage for the growth of an American communications intelligence apparatus into the Cold War. While the discipline could likely support a stand-alone biography of each individual, this volume will serve as a valuable primer for students, practitioners, and others seeking a deeper understanding of the decisions and developments responsible for creating the modern U.S. communications intelligence structure.
The Vanguard will find a home on the intelligence history shelf next to the Spy Chiefs collection edited by Christopher Moran, Mark Stout, et al., Disciples by Douglas Waller, Code Warriors by Stephen Budiansky, The Shadow Factory by James Bamford, The Secret Sentry by Matthew Aid, Secret Messages by David Alvarez, and A Century of Spies by Jeffery T. Richelson. The Vanguard adds to the conversation anchored by these titles by exploring the largely untapped history of American military cryptology leading up to the creation of the National Security Agency. The agency is certainly a high-profile subject, but most works focused on the NSA (or communications intelligence more broadly) ignore or too hastily address the unique evolution and contribution of the military service cryptologic agencies. This is a problematic gap that The Vanguard will address. At a time when Cold War history and specifically the history of Cold War intelligence is enjoying a heyday in both academic and popular markets, this book will be a compelling addition to the genre.
The collection’s editors are Philip C. Shackelford (South Arkansas Community College) and Dr. Mary Kathryn Barbier (Mississippi State University).
Proposals regarding other individual subjects are welcomed. Each proposal must include a strong statement explaining the impact and contributions of the individual in question and reasons for potential inclusion in the volume.
Chapters should be based on original research, and it should be understood that proposed chapters have not been published elsewhere, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Each chapter should be 7,000-8,000 words. Style will conform to The Chicago Manual of Style. The Editors may suggest changes in the interest of clarity and economy of expression, but such changes will not be made without consultation with the author. The Editors may also suggest changes in focus and/or approach, to best align with the emphasis of the volume. The Editors are the final arbiters of usage, grammar, and length.
Chapter proposals should include:
- Author name and affiliation
- One-page CV
- Subject selection OR alternate subject proposal
- 300-word abstract
- Current status of contribution (concept, researching, in-progress, completed draft)
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