Brazil Scholarships 2018 for Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs

Publish Date: Jul 02, 2018

Deadline: Jul 30, 2018

Brazil Scholarships Partnership Program for Education and Training – OAS/GCUB PAEC


The Organization of American States (OAS) and the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities (GCUB), with the support of the Division of Educational Topics of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) through the OAS Partnerships Program for Education and Training (PAEC OAS-GCUB), have decided to support university level students of the Americas, through academic scholarships for Master’s and Doctoral programs, duly recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC), offered by Brazilian universities associated with GCUB.


1.1 This announcement is intended to govern the selection of candidates for the distribution of scholarships offered by Brazilian universities associated with GCUB within the framework of Brazil Scholarships PAEC OAS-GCUB 2018. These scholarships will cover on-site Master’s and Doctoral degree programs,scheduled to begin in 2019, according to the information posted on the Table of Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Brazilian Universities. Published on: Aug 1st PAEC OAS- GCUB 2018

1.2 The candidate must pursue the Master’s or Doctoral program for which s/he was selected and, after a successful completion of all tests and other academic requirements and formalities, s/he will receive a Master’s or Doctoral degree from the host university.

1.3 The GCUB, OAS, PAHO, and The Ministry of Foreign Affairs bear no responsibility arising from the recognition of diplomas in other countries.

1.4 There will be no employment or commercial relationship established between the GCUB, OAS PAHO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Brazil Scholarships PAEC OAS-GCUB 2018 scholarship recipients. Likewise, the institutions shall not assume any type of liability, whether civil, contractual or non-contractual, during the entire academic process.

1.5 Language: 1.5.1 The language of instruction is Portuguese. However, study programs may offer academic disciplines and activities in other languages. 1.5.2 Proficiency in Portuguese or English will not be a requirement for any candidate during the application stage. 1.5.3 All Brazil PAEC OAS-GCUB scholarship recipients must prove a minimum level of Portuguese equal to Superior Intermediate, through the Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (CELPE-BRAS)1 or equivalent certification at the discretion of the university, until the defense of the dissertation or thesis. 1.5.4 Once enrolled in the institution, the Brazil PAEC OAS-GCUB scholarship recipient must comply with all the requirements related to proficiency in languages. 1.6 Dates: a. Approximate starting date for Master’s and Doctoral programs: depends on the academic calendar of each host university. b. Approximate completion date for Master’s and Doctoral programs: 

Master’s programs: Up to 24 months after the starting date of the study program and according to the program duration standards of the host university.

 Doctoral programs: Up to 48 months after the starting date of the study program and according to the program duration standards of the host university.


3.1 General Requirements for Applying 

a. The scholarship application should be completed individually and may be submitted in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish;

b. The student cannot receive another academic scholarship from the OAS, PAHO or from any Brazilian institution for the same level of studies of the Brazil Scholarship PAEC OAS-GCUB PAEC 2018 application;

c. Hold citizenship or a permanent residency of any of the OAS member states, except of Brazil5 ;

d. Not be an OAS or PAHO officer or possess any type of contract with the OAS or PAHO, at the time of application. Representatives of the Permanent Missions to the OAS and their immediate families will not be considered for a Brazil Scholarship PAEC OAS-GCUB 2018 scholarship either.

e. Be in good health (physical and mental) to undertake and successfully conclude graduate studies;

f. Be able to secure additional financial resources to assume the expenses not covered by this scholarship (i.e. airfare, visa fees, international medical insurance for the entire duration of studies, and additional subsistence expenses that exceed the amounts described in numeral 2.1.b)

g. Applicants must indicate the degree for which they are applying, be it a Master’s or a Doctorate.

h. Each student must apply to up to three Master’s or Doctoral programs from different universities; it is mandatory that each of these universities be located in three different regions of Brazil (see map).

i. The presentation of the graduation diploma is mandatory for all applicants. In the case of doctoral candidates, the student must verify if the program of study requires a master’s diploma in order to qualify (check table).


For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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