The Dan David Prize is the world’s largest history prize, annually awarding 9 prizes of $300,000 each to early and midcareer scholars and practitioners in the historical disciplines, to acknowledge their outstanding achievements and support future work.
The first cohort of winners of the new prize received their awards in May 2022, and we are now pleased to invite nominations for the 2023 Dan David Prize.
Nominees can come from any field related to the study of the human past, both within academia and outside it.
They are looking for researchers in disciplines such as history, archaeology, art history, digital humanities and human palaeontology, as well as independent scholars, public historians, museum curators and documentary filmmakers.
Nominations for the 2023 Prize are now open and we will be accepting submissions until September 14, 2022. Anyone can nominate. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Nomination requirements
- Nominees must be engaged in outstanding and original work related to the study of the human past, employing any chronological, geographical and methodological focus.
- Nominees should exhibit strong potential for future excellence, innovation and leadership that will help shape the study of the past for years to come.
- Academic nominees must hold a PhD and must have published at least one major piece of work, such as a book or a collection of articles related to a major project.
- Non-academic nominees are NOT required to hold a PhD, but must have completed at least one major piece of work, such as a book, significant publication, exhibition, documentary film or public humanities project, and should demonstrate an ongoing engagement with topics related to history and the study of the past.
- Nominees should be no more than 15 years post-PhD (for academics) or 15 years after the release of their first major project (for non-academics), although due allowance will be made for career breaks (e.g. parental and care leave or duties, health-related leave and career changes).
The prizes will be awarded at an in-person ceremony in Tel Aviv in May 2023.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.