Erasmus Mundus Fully Funded Joint Master Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society Plus 2020-2021

Publish Date: Dec 21, 2020

Deadline: Feb 15, 2021

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society Plus (EMJMD ACES\ACES+)

The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Aquaculture, Environment and Society Plus (EMJMD ACES+) will give you a unique opportunity to study in up to four centres of European excellence in aquaculture research and learning; Scotland, Crete, France and the Netherlands. It will also allow you to gain the practical and theoretical skills needed for a successful career in aquaculture through industry-led research programmes, internships and fieldwork.

We are now recruiting our next intake of Erasmus Mundus students. For more information on how to apply for a place on the course and an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, please follow this link: Apply

Erasmus Mundus scholarships, which are funded by the EACEA of the European Union, will meet the cost of annual tuition fees, and will provide a contribution towards travel and relocation, and also a contribution towards daily living expenses. The closing date for scholarship applications is 15 February 2021.

Fees and Costs

From September 2021, tuition fees for the EMJMD ACES+ will be:

2021/2023 International €5,000 per academic year
2021/2023 UK/EU €2,500 per academic year


Tuition fees cover the following services:

  • teaching and examination fees
  • access to library and electronic resources
  • computing facilities
  • cost of short fieldtrips/ industry site related to a particular module
  • language classes (French and Greek) that are an integral part of the EMJMD ACES programme
  • access to university sport and medical facilties where available

The following are not included in tuition fees:

  • travel to/from EM JMD ACES institutions
  • visa-related costs
  • residence permits
  • accommodation
  • personal living expenses
  • textbooks
  • personal computers
  • optional 10 day fieldtrip overseas*

*It is anticipated that the optional fieldtrip to Chile in 2020 will cost approximately €3000

Cost of Living

Living costs vary between the various university cities you will visit during the EMJMD ACES+ course.  Costs in the UK and France (Nantes) are generally higher than Crete.  Universities have provided the following estimates as general guidance:

Oban, UK: Accommodation with utilities (i.e., electricity and/ or gas) costs approximately GBP £380 to £480 per month, meaning that overall monthly expenses, including food, daily fare for public transportation if living off campus and additional expenses, are probably GBP £800-£900 or €950-€1,000. For general living costs you can find useful information on how to budget on the International student calculator website. 

You may also find this article of great help if you are planning to study in the UK:

Crete, Greece: The recommended monthly budget to live in Crete is approximately €650; including accommodation, food and additional expenses.

Nantes, France: The recommended monthly budget to live in Nantes is approximately €570 – 900. Please CLICK HERE for a more detailed breakdown of costs.

International students should be aware that they will have additional costs such as visas and travel for visa applications, return travel to your home country, shipping and warm clothes (for Scotland).

Students should be aware that these costs are approximate and it is possible to spend less with careful budgeting than the amount shown.

Scholarships and Loans

We aim to recruit talented, well-qualified and driven students irrespective of their financial background. To this end, we encourage students and potential students to apply for a range of funding provided by UK and international government bodies, the European Commission, trusts, research councils, industry and employers. Below are details of potential funders for students of our EMJMD ACES+ by region:

United Kingdom (please note some UK based institutions or funders provide scholarships or grants to international students)

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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