Scientific Scholarship Scheme
In 2010 CCAMLR established the CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme to assist early career scientists to participate in the work of the Scientific Committee and its working groups.
The objective of the Scholarship Scheme is to contribute to capacity building within the CCAMLR scientific community in order to help generate and sustain a sound basis of scientific expertise able to support the requirements of CCAMLR in the long term.
Scholarships of up to A$30 000 are available to facilitate participation in CCAMLR Scientific Committee workshops or working group meetings, relevant preparatory meetings, and exceptionally, meetings of the Scientific Committee, over a period of two years. Scholarships are open to scientists from all CCAMLR Members. Preference will be given to early career scientists who have not previously, or routinely, participated in CCAMLR working groups and are actively seeking to contribute to important areas of science for CCAMLR.
To help guide potential Scholarship applicants the Conveners of the Scientific Committee’s expert working groups have put together the following list of priority areas of research.
Research into krill population dynamics and ecosystem monitoring to support the development of feedback management in the krill fishery. |
The use of fishing vessels to collect acoustics data on the abundance and distribution of krill. |
Science to support the development of approaches to spatial management including marine protected areas. |
Integrated stock assessments for fisheries in areas without such assessments. |
Methods for toothfish biomass estimation and stock assessment where mark-recapture programs are not feasible. |
Models to assess the spatial overlap of longline fisheries and the distribution of tagged fish. |
The impacts of depredation by toothed whales on the assessments in toothfish fisheries. |
Analysis and development of models to evaluate management strategies related to Article II of the CAMLR Convention and CCAMLR's harvest decision rules. |
Making an application
Each application to the Scholarship Scheme must have the support of the Scientific Committee representative of the relevant CCAMLR Member, so if you are thinking of applying then getting in touch with your Scientific Committee representative is an essential first step.
Another key element of the CCAMLR Scholarship Scheme is that each recipient of a scholarship has a ‘Mentor’ who is familiar with the work processes and procedures of CCAMLR and its working groups. Finding a suitable Mentor is a key part of any Scholarship application. A Mentor does not have to be from the same Member as the applicant. In some situations where it may be difficult to find a suitable Mentor, the ‘Mentor Group’, which comprises the conveners of the working groups and the vice-chairs of the Scientific Committee, can help by identifying a suitable Mentor based on the areas of science proposed in the application.
Completed application forms must be submitted to CCAMLR by the Scientific Committee Representative of the relevant Member by 1 October 2020 and provide the following information:
- the name, address and affiliation of the candidate scientist
- specific details with respect to the scientific contribution to the work of CCAMLR and how this relates to the priorities of the Scientific Committee
- confirmation of participation from at least one established scientist with significant experience of attendance in relevant CCAMLR working groups, who may be from the applicant’s country or from another CCAMLR Member, who has agreed to mentor the successful candidate
- the working groups and workshops in which the scientist would participate
- any additional travel to preparatory meetings, for instance with the mentoring scientist and his/her institution
- justification of the need to apply for scholarship money
- a preliminary budget, based on assumptions about the future disposition and length of Scientific Committee working group meetings
- evidence that other funds are available to support the work of the scientist during the proposed period of tenure of the scholarship
- a commitment that the Member will facilitate participation by the recipient in the work of the Scientific Committee for the duration of the scholarship
- references from the scientist’s home institution and the Member’s Scientific Committee Representative.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Scholarship Review Panel (led by the Senior Vice-Chair of the Scientific Committee) using the following criteria:
- scientific and other qualifications of the candidate
- relevance to the work priorities and work plan of the Scientific Committee and the extent to which it will strengthen the scientific capacity and engagement in the work of the Scientific Committee of the applying Member
- strength of the linkages between the applicant and mentor scientist(s)
- justification for the budget requested.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to ensure that sufficient information is provided to allow the Review Panel to determine the scientific contribution that would be made to the work of CCAMLR. This should include the specific objectives of the work to be undertaken, how this relates to the priorities of the Scientific Committee, and provide sufficient detail to determine exactly what data and analyses will be required to achieve the stated objectives.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: