Post-doctoral Fellowship - Asian Capitalisms: Diversity and Institutional Change, 1 November - 31 August 2018, France

Publish Date: Feb 28, 2018

Deadline: Mar 31, 2018

Event Dates: from Nov 01, 2018 12:00 to Aug 31, 2019 12:00

Post-doctoral Fellowship - Asian Capitalisms: Diversity and Institutional Change 2018, France

Scientific Rational

In discussions among economists, sociologists and political scientists in Europe and North America, theories and concepts of comparative and international political economy have only recently been applied in systematic ways to Asia and the specific institutional configurations of its key economies. At the same time, the rapid transformation of Asia’s older and newer capitalisms are posing new theoretical challenges.

This call for a post-doctoral fellowship promotes integrated approaches to the transformations of contemporary capitalisms in Asia and explore the links between the changes of capitalism at global, national and local levels on the one hand and technological, social, and political transformation on the other. Areas of particular interest include: corporate diversity and institutional change; inequalities and welfare; developmental states. Thus,  applicants from Political economy, Sociology, History, Law are welcomed and encouraged to do research projects that focus on Asia’s experience from a comparative, historical, or global perspective.


The postdoctoral fellow is required to:

  • contribute to the development and coordination of the CEAFJP’s research axis “Asian Capitalisms: Diversity and Institutional Change”;
  • conduct a research project related to the research axis mentioned above and leading to the presentation of a 30-50 pages’ discussion paper by the end of the fellowship;
  • take an active part in the EU funded research project “Understanding Institutional Change in Asia: a Comparative Perspective with Europe”, including the redaction of its scientific reports;
  • contribute to the preparation of the application to the European Research Council’s call for projects on the research theme mentioned above;
  • give a lecture in an EHESS seminar.


The postdoctoral fellow will be part of the CEAFJP’s research team and will be welcome to take an active part in the activities of the Centre. The fellow will benefit from excellent work conditions at the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS (he or she will be granted an office and access to meeting rooms, full access to the EHESS libraries, administrative assistance).


Candidates must be scholars who have submitted or will submit their PhD thesis between October 2015 and October 2018. Proficiency in either English or French is required.


The application files are required to include:

  • the application form;
  • a detailed Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications;
  • a cover letter;
  • two reference letters.

All the documents are to be sent by email to 

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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