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Visegrad Scholarship Program

Publish Date: Jun 15, 2015

Deadline: Jan 31, 2016

Visegrad scholarships support Masters and post-Masters (PhD/postdoc) studies/research stays at higher-education institutions in the V4 region, as well as in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries.

Eligible applicants (Incoming scheme):

AlbaniaArmeniaAzerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, GeorgiaKosovoMacedoniaMoldovaMontenegro, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine

Applicants from these countries can apply for up to 4 semesters (MA level) or 2 semester (PhD/postdoc) at higher-education institutions in V4 countries.

Eligible applicants (Outgoing/Intra-V4 schemes):

Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia

Applicants from V4 countries can apply for 1 or 2 semesters at higher-education institutions in V4 countries (Intra-Visegrad scheme), and in Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries (Outgoing scheme).

Key details:

  • min. study period is 1 semester, max. 2 semesters, or 4 semesters—only within Incoming MA-level scholarships
  • having concluded at least 4 university semesters when applying, 6 semesters (equivalent of BA degree program) when starting the scholarship
  • spending the entire scholarship period at the host institution
  • program not suitable for joint programs (dou­ble- or multiple-degree)


  • €2,300/semester for the scholar + €1,500/semester for the host
  • possibility to apply for a separate travel grant, if residing further than 1,500 km from the host


1. Eligibility

1.1 Previous studies

Appli­cants must have either com­pleted a Bachelor’s pro­gram or—in spe­cific cases (if the study pro­gram is not divided into dis­tinct Bachelor’s and Master’s study programs)—completed at least 3 years (6 semesters) of higher-education before start­ing the schol­ar­ship.

1.2 Eligible countries

The applicant’s home and host uni­ver­sity must be dif­fer­ent, i.e., the pre­vi­ous level of uni­ver­sity stud­ies (any obtained aca­d­e­mic diploma before start­ing the schol­ar­ship) must be com­pleted in a coun­try other than where the appli­cant applies for studies.

Applicant’s cit­i­zen­ship: Eligible host country/territory:
Albania (AL) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Armenia (AM) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Azerbaijan (AZ) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Belarus (BY) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BA) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Georgia (GE) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Kosovo* (XK) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Macedonia (MK) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Moldova (MD) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Montenegro (ME) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Serbia (RS) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Russia (RU) CZ|HU|PL|SK
Ukraine (UA) CZ|HU|PL|SK

2. Rules/Sample of the appli­ca­tion form

Applicants are strongly rec­om­mend to read the program’s rules [see documents] and review the sample application form to see the specific infor­ma­tion required for applying.

3. Finding host university/organization

Please note that it can take rel­a­tively long to find a suit­able host uni­ver­sity. Applicants are therefore requested to start the search long before the dead­line. Any accredited higher-education institution in the destination countries can host Visegrad scholars; see the following links to lists of higher-education institutions per country:

Note: The links serve merely as a ref­er­ence list.

4. Required documents

All com­pul­sory annexes must be pre­pared in English deliv­ered to the Fund along with the appli­ca­tion form; uncer­ti­fied copies of the orig­i­nal doc­u­ments (faxed or scanned doc­u­ments, e-mails, print­outs) or doc­u­ments sent sep­a­rately can­not be accepted.

Fail­ure to sub­mit the required doc­u­ments by the dead­line will result in exclud­ing the appli­ca­tion from the selec­tion procedure.

Please make sure you have pre­pared ahead the fol­low­ing annexes to the appli­ca­tion form (they need to be deliv­ered to the Fund with the signed print­out of the sub­mit­ted appli­ca­tion form):

    1. Certified trans­la­tion of a diploma (Master’s or the high­est obtained)
      In the event the appli­cant has not fin­ished his/her Master’s stud­ies, he/she shall sub­mit a cer­tifi­cate stat­ing cur­rent year of study at present uni­ver­sity and the expected date of obtain­ing his/her next aca­d­e­mic diploma, issued by the present uni­ver­sity. Please note: Notarized copies of offi­cial trans­la­tions of a diploma (issued by sworn trans­la­tors) or sim­ple copies of the offi­cial English ver­sion of the diploma issued by the uni­ver­sity will be accepted. If apply­ing for the Master’s (MA) Scholarship, an up-to-date tran­script of aca­d­e­mic records cov­er­ing the entire uni­ver­sity stud­ies is also required.
    1. Original accep­tance let­ter from the host university/institution
      If the appli­cant is apply­ing for courses that require admis­sion tests or a per­sonal inter­view (results of which will be known only after the dead­line), the appli­cant sub­mits a proof of his/her appli­ca­tion for the stud­ies or a pre­lim­i­nary accep­tance let­ter. The actual accep­tance let­ter shall be sub­mit­ted before the sign­ing of the con­tract with the Fund, by the end of July of the respec­tive year at the lat­est. The let­ter of accep­tance can­not be older than 3 months when sub­mit­ting the appli­ca­tion and needs to include the following:
      • name of the applicant
      • work­ing title of the project/study program
      • lan­guage of instruction/communication
      • type of study/research (full-time)
      • planned dates of the project/study
      • sig­na­ture and a stamp of the statu­tory rep­re­sen­ta­tive (or of the statu­tory rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the inter­na­tional stud­ies depart­ment of the host institution)
  1. Original work­ing plan of the study/research period
    If the appli­cant applied for courses that require admis­sion tests or a per­sonal inter­view (results of which will be known only after the dead­line), the appli­cant sub­mits a draft of the work­ing plan. In such case, the work­ing plan accepted by the host university/institute shall be sub­mit­ted before the sign­ing of the con­tract with the Fund, by the end of July of the respec­tive year at the lat­est. If the appli­cant is apply­ing for the Master’s schol­ar­ship (MA), he/she shall sub­mit a list of courses that he/she plans to attend and state the length of these courses and their credit value.
    Note: The work­ing plan should be a prop­erly writ­ten pro­gram—a detailed study pro­gram refer­ring to at least one pro­fes­sor respon­si­ble for the study pro­gram. Appli­cants for a Post-Master’s schol­ar­ship shall sub­mit a sum­mary of the pro­posed research.

    The work­ing plan must be accepted by the host university/institution and can­not be older than 3 months when sub­mit­ting the appli­ca­tion. Please note that you need to sub­mit both the let­ter of accep­tance and the work­ing plan approved by the host insti­tu­tion before the dead­line. When eval­u­at­ing the appli­ca­tion, the selec­tion com­mit­tee con­sid­ers the work­ing plan but also the fact whether the host uni­ver­sity can accept the appli­cant (and under what conditions).

    The only excep­tion regard­ing the work­ing plan is given to those who apply for courses/studies where they have to pass a per­sonal inter­view or admis­sion tests before they are accepted. In that case, they, too, have to sub­mit at least a draft of the work­ing plan (to be later approved by the host institution).

  2. Recommendation let­ter (only for Post-Master’s level)
    If apply­ing for a Post-Master’s schol­ar­ship (PhD), a let­ter of rec­om­men­da­tion from one’s home/present university/institution is required which indi­cates that the respec­tive super­vi­sor at the home/present insti­tu­tion agrees with the pro­posed stay abroad. This doc­u­ment is to be uploaded with the accep­tance letter.

5. On-line appli­ca­tion form

Applying for the Visegrad Scholarship Program is pos­si­ble only through the on-line appli­ca­tion sys­tem. The sys­tem opens approx­i­mately 2 months prior to the dead­line, usu­ally at the begin­ning of December. Once you reg­is­ter on-line, you are kindly asked to remem­ber the ID (the appli­ca­tion num­ber) since it will be used in all future com­mu­ni­ca­tion with you, and a pass­word which will enable you to access your appli­ca­tion form in the future.

Note: Make sure you fill out all the required fields and upload all requested doc­u­ments (for exam­ple, bank details are not required when sub­mit­ting and can be edited later). The rec­om­mended file for­mat of the uploaded doc­u­ments is PDF (if a doc­u­ment has more than a sin­gle page please con­vert it into a multi-page PDF file). Also, JPG or GIF can be accepted.

6. Travel grant

Applicants whose uni­ver­sity or employer (i.e., at the time of apply­ing) is fur­ther than 1,500 km from the selected host university/institute (at the time of apply­ing) are eli­gi­ble for a lump-sum travel grant. Travel grants are allo­cated on a com­pet­i­tive basis and can­not be guar­an­teed to any appli­cant. Applying for travel grants is part of the on-line appli­ca­tion form (see paragraph 10 for more information).

7. Content and objec­tive of the study/research

If apply­ing for a Master’s schol­ar­ship, the con­tent and objec­tive of the study should con­sist of the applicant’s per­son­al­ized study sum­mary. Please do not copy-paste infor­ma­tion from the host university’s web­site or other PR materials.

8. Submitting the application

Submit your appli­ca­tion on-line. Then print your appli­ca­tion form directly from the on-line sys­tem (using the ‘Print’ but­ton), sign it and send it to us together with the com­pul­sory annexes (please note that we require orig­i­nal doc­u­ments; copies can­not be accepted) by the dead­line. The appli­ca­tion can be either deliv­ered per­son­ally to the fund by the dead­line date or sent by post and post­marked with the dead­line date as the lat­est pos­si­ble. (No doc­u­ment post­marked after January 31 can be accepted.)

Note: Please be informed that hard-copy ver­sions of the appli­ca­tion form printed out prior to their sub­mis­sion in the sys­tem are invalid.

Signed hard-copy ver­sions of the appli­ca­tion form along with all rel­e­vant annexes can be either brought per­son­ally to the fund by 16:30 CET on the dead­line date or sent by post if post­marked with the dead­line date as the latest.

Deadline for elec­tronic sub­mis­sion of schol­ar­ship appli­ca­tions is 11:59:59 (noon) CET on January 31.

9. Announcing the results of the selec­tion process—Travel documents

If you are listed among the approved schol­ars, please check the valid­ity of your pass­port and make sure it is valid until the end of the schol­ar­ship period. In the event that the valid­ity of your travel doc­u­ment expires before/during the schol­ar­ship period, please apply for a new pass­port and inform us of this fact. You will be requested to pro­vide us with the new details (pass­port num­ber, (new) spelling of your name, etc.) before the con­tract and the con­fir­ma­tion of the fund’s sup­port is issued and sent to you.

10. Receiving the scholarship

If selected, each scholar receives his/her schol­ar­ship fund­ing at the begin­ning of each five-month period upon a writ­ten con­fir­ma­tion from the host university/institution—see Article 4 of the Contract (available inDocuments).

Information for the recip­i­ents of the travel grant: The travel grant is paid at the begin­ning of the schol­ar­ship period together with the first install­ment of the scholarship.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Czech Republic












Host Countries





Bosnia and Herzegovina

Czech Republic









