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Hubert Humphrey Fully Funded Fellowship Program 2018, USA

Publish Date: Apr 19, 2017

Deadline: Jun 02, 2017

Hubert Humphrey Program 2018 for mid-career professionals

The Embassy of the United States of America in Armenia is pleased to announce the Hubert Humphrey Program 2018 competition, for mid-career professionals with demonstrated leadership potential for a year of non-degree graduate-level study, leadership development, and substantive professional collaboration with U.S. counterparts during the 2018-2019 academic year.

Humphrey Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or private sector.  The Program awards a certificate from the U.S. Government but it is not designed to deliver an advanced degree.  As a non-degree program, the Fellowship offers valuable opportunities for professional development through selected university courses, conferences, networking, and practical work experiences.  The program will be funded for one academic year, pending: a successful application for a J-1 visa; receipt of medical clearance; and availability of funds.


  • Armenian citizenship and residency
  • Completed your BA studies by the start of the grant
  • Five years of substantial professional experience
  • Interest in the policy aspects of your respective field of specialization
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities and a record of public service
  • Completed your online application, including two reference letters
  • Are proficient in English/successful TOEFL exam – include your most recent TOEFL score, if you have it. If you don’t have it, you can still apply—the Embassy will arrange testing for you if you are selected as one of the final candidates.


  • Agricultural & Rural Development
  • Communications/Journalism
  • Economic Development/Finance and Banking
  • Educational Administration, Planning and Policy
  • Higher Education Administration
  • HIV/AIDS Policy and Prevention
  • Law and Human Rights
  • Natural Resources/Environmental Policy/Climate Change
  • Public Health Policy and Management
  • Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration
  • **Substance Abuse Education, Treatment and Prevention**
  • Technology Policy and Management
  • Trafficking in Persons, Policy and Prevention
  • Urban and Regional Planning

** Candidates in this field must have either a research background in the field or demonstrate an ability to learn the results and policy implications of current research.  A short additional application page is included in the application package.


Interested applicants must complete an online application at this website:

You’ll need to have these arrangements ready before you begin the online application process:  

  1. A personal statement describing why you want to apply for this program, and a program plan describing your academic goals;
  2. Two people: your current employer, and a professional mentor or an associate outside your current work setting, who will submit a letter of recommendation for you.  These should be people who can speak to your academic abilities and professional goals.  
  3. If you have them, your most recent test score for TOEFL. If you don’t have these, you can still apply—the Embassy will arrange testing for you if you are selected as one of the final candidates; tests will be taken during August-September.  Armenia administers an Internet based test (IBT).  Applicants with TOEFL scores lower than 71 (or its paper-based 525 and computer-based 195 equivalents) will be technically ineligible.  

Tips for the application process

In using the online application system, you’ll need to first register by creating a user name and a password, and proceed as prompted by the application.  Save your data after completing each page.   You will be able to log off and return to your application later if you need to complete it over several sittings.  After you log in again and enter the application, completed sections will have green arrows and sections.   All applicants will be able to send online requests for recommendation letters and the English assessment forms to their recommenders.  Please submit your online application ONLY when all information is complete and the supplementary documents are obtained.  Once you submit your application, you will not have access to it and will not be able to view it. Only online applications will be considered.

What happens next?

All applications, including references, undergo technical and academic reviews.  Candidates who satisfy all requirements will be interviewed by the Embassy Humphrey Selection Committee.  The Committee will submit the names of the selected finalists to the Fulbright Board of Foreign Scholarships in the U.S. for final approval.  Awards are announced in March each year for Fellowships beginning in August/September.  Approximately 18 university campuses in the United States have been selected through a competitive process to host Humphrey fellows.

The Embassy will organize several sessions for potential applicants during April and May.  Please follow the Embassy webpage and Facebook page for details.  For any other questions, please email us at


  • How strict are the deadlines?  Deadlines are firm.
  • If I was not successful in previous competitions, can I apply again?  Yes.
  • What are the selection criteria?  The following factors are considered: leadership ability, commitment to public service, candidate's objectives and program plan/personal statement, professional and personal qualifications, and need for the program and language proficiency.  Preference will be given to candidates with little or no previous experience in the United States.  While not considered ineligible, candidates who have already participated in U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs are less likely to be selected.  
  • Can I complete my Master’s Degree while on the program?  No. The Humphrey Fellowship is a non-degree program.
  • What are the basic benefits?  The Humphrey Fellowship provides international travel, tuition and university fees, accident/sickness insurance, monthly maintenance allowance and funding for books and professional activities.  The Humphrey Program does not provide financial support for accompanying dependents.
  • Can family members accompany the Fellow?  The Humphrey award does not include an additional allowance for dependents.  The Fellow may request permission for dependents to join him/her in the U.S., but must show proof of adequate personal funds to cover high living expenses and dependent's health insurance.
  • Do I have to arrange university affiliation in the United States?  No.  There is no provision for Fellows to request placement at any particular university.  The universities are selected on a competitive basis.  Each university is chosen based on institutional resources and the level of support and guidance it offers to the participants.
  • How should I provide my references?  References should be provided online together with the application.  A request for a reference letter is sent to the recommender through the online system and is received by the program coordinator at the U.S. Embassy.  You will receive a notification when the recommendation letter is submitted.
  • When should I submit diploma transcripts/translations?   Since this is costly, we require it only for the finalists.  Please make sure you will be able to submit it when you are selected as a finalist.  If you are unable to submit it, you will be considered ineligible.
  • When should I take a Language Test?  English Language test score (TOEFL) must be submitted with each application. Applicants not possessing a TOEFL score dating from the past two years or less must take the TOEFL test no later than mid-September 2017.  The Embassy will arrange testing for you if you are selected as one of the final candidates.  Armenia administers an Internet based test (IBT).  Applicants with TOEFL scores lower than 71 (or its paper-based 525 and computer-based 195 equivalents) will be technically ineligible.  
  • Specifics of the Embark web-based application system – When you start an application in Embark, you are asked to check your eligibility with the U.S. Embassy before starting the application.  It also requests mailing supplementary forms to the Embassy.  Please do not mail any hard copy documents to the Embassy. Instead – upload into Embark any additional document which you would like to be included in your application. Also, there is no need to contact the Embassy prior to starting your application.

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