Career Bridging Postdoctoral Grants 2017, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Publish Date: Apr 10, 2017

Deadline: Apr 15, 2017

After the doctorate: Postdoc at TU Darmstadt

A postdoc is the next step after the doctorate and thus the next step in your academic career. To offer the best possible support for young researchers on their academic path, TU Darmstadt has implemented Postdoc Career Programmes, which meet the particular challenges of an early research career.

The Postdoc Career Programmes focus on four areas of support: (1) creating best possible conditions to start your career at TU Darmstadt, (2) providing financial aid in between two career steps, (3) offering a support package for special scientific purposes, (4) increasing your scientific independence and promoting your path towards professorship.

Career Bridging Grants

You are a Ph.D. student or a postdoc planning your next career step? You would like to apply for external funding to finance your own position but need to financially bridge the time up to the potential funding start? 

The Career Bridging Grant closes financial gaps between two career steps for candidates currently working at or aiming to work at TU Darmstadt. It provides short-term financial support for highly qualified candidates, who apply for funding with good prospects of success. The Career Bridging Grant secures financial support during the application process and thus facilitates a smooth transition to the next career step.

Who can apply?

  Advanced Ph.D. students and postdocs …
1. …whose individual funding runs out before the start of the next funding period.
2. (A) … at TU Darmstadt who prepare a proposal for individual external funding at TU Darmstadt. (B) … from external institutions (national and international) who prepare a proposal for individual external funding at TU Darmstadt. (C) … at TU Darmstadt who prepare a proposal for individual external funding at another institution.

We offer

  • financial support for the duration of max. 12 months during transition phases (Ph.D. to postdoc, postdoc to postdoc and postdoc to junior research group leader). The level of support granted depends on your research experience and the planned individual external funding:
    • advanced Ph.D student/postdoc to (next) postdoc: expected grant of 1.800 €
    • postdoc to junior research group leader: expected grant of 2.100 € 
  • for researchers coming to Darmstadt
    • a broad range of research and career opportunities at one of Germany’s top universities of technology
    • an inspiring and professional environment for your research
    • access to research support programmes at TU Darmstadt (e.g. Ingenium transferable skills programme and career networking programme)

Please hand in (as one PDF file)

  • application form A, B or C
  • information about the individual external funding you plan to apply for: funding programme, funding period, institution, where research project will be conducted (1 page)
  • summary of planned research project, incl. structural involvement in institution, time schedule of proposal preparation (max. 5 pages)
  • CV
  • graduation certificates (copies)
  • letter of acceptance from research group/professor you are going to stay with during the Career Bridging Grant
  • statement about financial situation, incl. proof of non-existing funding options for the proposal period (e.g. expiring employment contract or stipend)
  • Ph.D. certificate or proof of Ph.D. submission/ statement from your supervisor that the Ph.D. will be completed within the next 6 months (Please be aware that the Career Bridging Grant can start after the defense of your dissertation at the earliest)
  • certificates/ proof of scientific excellence (publications, awards, scholarships)

Next steps

You can hand in your proposal any time. The proposals get evaluated twice a year (cut-off dates in spring and autumn). The next cut-off date will be on the 15th of April 2017

We are looking forward to receiving your proposal. Please send your proposal electronically as one PDF file to Ms Nina Greßhoff:

Ingenium – Young Researchers at TU Darmstadt Technische Universität Darmstadt

Mrs. Nina Greßhoff

Karolinenplatz 5

64289 Darmstadt

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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