Graduation Ceremony for PhD Degrees
Graduation ceremony for PhD degrees
This year, due to the epidemic caused by Covid-19, the graduation ceremony for PhD degrees will take place in October / November.
Call for Applications
Call for Application for academic year 2020/21 is now online. The new deadline for submitting the application is Wednesday 27th May 1 P.M. (Italian time).
How long is a PhD Degree?
Minimum 3 years
Admission requirements
Masters degree or other study qualification which is recognised as being equivalent. For certain PhD Programmes additional requirements may be called for – a degree qualification with a specific focus, for example; it is therefore necessary to read the application carefully.
English knowledge at B2 level mimimun is also required.
How to be admitted?
The PhD Degree is open to a limited number of students. The requirement is to pass a public selection process entailing the evaluation of academic qualifications, as well as of oral and/or written exams.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: