Xposure International Photography & Film Awards, 2022, UAE

Publish Date: Jun 12, 2022

Deadline: Nov 15, 2022

A FREE to enter International Photography & Film Awards with a prize pool value of over $50,000 USD across several genres. Photographers of all ages, backgrounds, and experience are eligible to enter the Xposure International Awards. We have also included a category for filmmakers. The panel of judges are looking to award an Overall Winner from the photography categories and additionally a winner and runner-up from each category including moving images & short films. The Jury is looking for unique, exceptional, and high-quality images.

  • Architectural Photography
  • Drone Photography
  • Junior Category*
  • Landscape Photography
  • Photojournalism
  • Portraiture
  • Short Film & Moving Image
  • Street Photography
  • Wildlife Photography

The Awards opens for online submissions on 1 June 2022 and closes for entries on 15 November 2022 at 11:00 pm GST (the Entry Deadline).  

Who may enter?
This competition is FREE to enter and open to all nationalities over the age of 18. There is a Junior Category for under 18’s residents in the UAE.
Employees of Sharjah Government Media Bureau, and each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, and agents, are not eligible to enter or win a prize in the main categories, however, there is a restricted category for Sharjah Government employees.

How to enter
For the photography categories, images must be submitted through our online awards platform at XPOSURE AWARDS  The images should be suitable for public display, printing, and publication in the Xposure Year Book. The JPG file format should be used and the preferred resolution is 300 dpi and preferably in a ratio of 3:2. 

 In each category, there will be:

  • 1 Winner
  • 1 Runner-up
  • 5 Additional Nominated Entries (Nominees)

In addition to the category winners, there will be an overall winner determined from the highest score achieved, regardless of the category entered.

Prizes & Benefits
Overall Winner  – $6,000 (USD) / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition
Category Winners – $3,000 (USD) / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition
Category Runner-up – $1,500 (USD) / Included in the Xposure festival exhibition  / Flights and accommodation to the Awards Ceremony in Sharjah UAE

Nominees – Online Exhibition/image displayed during the Xposure Festival
Junior Category for under 18 – UAE Residents. This is a restricted “Junior” category for residents of the United Arab Emirates who are under 18. non-cash prizes of digital camera equipment, and included in the Xposure festival exhibition.

The panel of judges is looking to award the overall winner of the annual international photography awards and the overall best picture from all photography award categories. In addition to the main prizes, all winning and shortlisted photographers will be featured in a gallery at Xposure 2023.

In each category, judges will award:

  • One winner
  • One runner-up
  • Five shortlisted

The winner and runner-up from each category will be invited to the Xposure Festival Awards Ceremony  (including flights and accommodation for the festival week) where the final outcome of the position will be announced.

All submitted images will be screened by the Moderators to ensure that no offensive or culturally sensitive material is presented to the Jury. Submissions will either be approved or rejected at this stage. Any offensive or incorrectly categorised entries will be removed from the competition without notice.

Junior Category under 18  ‘Winner & Runner-up’ non-cash prizes of digital camera equipment and included in the Xposure festival exhibition.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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