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Summer School - New Perspectives on the Typical and Atypical Trajectories of Learning in Child Development, 2022, Radboud University, Netherlands

Publish Date: May 22, 2022

Deadline: Jun 01, 2022

Event Dates: from Jul 11, 2022 12:00 to Jul 15, 2022 12:00

Diagnoses of learning disabilities are often tied to specific diagnostic criteria. For example, individuals scoring below a certain cut-off receive a clinical classification, which suggests that their learning is qualitatively different from individuals scoring above this cut-off. However, research has demonstrated that  such qualitative differences do not exist, neither in learning behaviour, nor in the associated genetic, neural, and cognitive underpinnings. An alternative perspective is the dimensional approach. This approach takes into account the interacting factors, at multiple levels of description, which are associated with different, partly overlapping domains of learning. The dimensional approach is currently gaining momentum, but its applicability in research and in the clinical and educational practice is still debated. Therefore, this course focusses on the dimensional approach as an alternative to conventional research practices and classification models in the domain of learning. Research using this approach will yield new insights into learning disabilities and learning in general. Moreover, it will lead to novel perspectives on individual characteristics (strengths / weaknesses) related to learning at the genetic, neural, cognitive, and behavioural level, and it will form a basis for more fair clinical practices leading to equal opportunities for all children.
This course will consist of inspiring lectures and hands-on workshops to gain insight into the theoretical background, methods, and applications of the dimensional approach in individual differences research. During this course, you will work with other participants on a dataset, on a joint proposal for future research, or on a diagnostic approach. Alternatively, you will work on a possibilities for applications in practice. After the course, you will be able to apply the basics of the dimensional approach and network analysis techniques to your own work.

After this course you are able to

  • Critically evaluate the current research and clinical practices around learning (disabilities).
  • Apply knowledge of different dimensional approaches to the field of learning (disabilities) on a genetic, brain, cognitive, and behavioural level.
  • Present and discuss research ideas focussing on individual differences.
  • Apply basic analysis methods of the dimensional approach to learning.

The course is designed for
PhD students, researchers, and professionals (interested in) working in the field of learning disabilities and / or individual differences in genetic, neural, cognitive, and behavioural development.

Admission Requirements
Participants should hold at least a Master’s degree and have a strong interest in individual differences, developmental psychology or education, and new methods.

Admission Documents

  • Motivation letter
  • CV

ECTS credits: 2

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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