Political communication, propaganda and fake news are crucial concepts in modern political discourse. This module explores the history and development of these concepts, and looks at how the modern media environment, particular the use of social media, has given them a new relevance. You will explore the theory and practice of propaganda and strategic communication, applying your ideas to case studies ranging from the Second World War to current political debate. You will also engage with the challenges our current information environment poses for politics, society, and security.
This course aims to:
- Offer students a comprehensive theoretical and practical study of political communications.
- Facilitate understanding of the key ideas behind theories of propaganda and influence, and how political leaders have utilized these ideas in their campaigns.
- Offer a critical understanding of strategic communications strategies in various contemporary and historic conflicts.
- Offer an applied insight into the influence of social media on political communications and information campaigns.
- Provide insight into the manner communications strategies can impact security, domestically and internationally, and its link to issues of deception, conspiracy, and subversion.
- Facilitate critical engagement in the methodological questions associated with the study of propaganda and persuasion.
- Offer a reflexive understanding of the dynamics of the military-media relationship in times of war.
- Offer an ability to analyse the impact of persuasive communication techniques on wider domestic and international political decision-making and the ways in which the political establishment strives to control media output.
Target group
The King's College London Undergraduate Summer School is open to students who are currently, or have been, enrolled in an undergraduate degree programme. We also welcome applications from professionals who have substantial relevant experience in their chosen subject area.
Course aim
Upon completion of the course students will:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the key theories of political communication and propaganda.
- Have acquired the ability to critically engage with and evaluate case studies of communication and propaganda.
- Demonstrate an ability to engage critically with the scholarly debates over the nature, role, and impact of various political campaigns.
- Developed their analytical and critical skills that are transferable to broader political and security related courses.
- Have developed more confidence and competence in their academic writing and presentation skills, and will have gained team-working and cooperation skill from completing group-based tasks.
Credits info
Not for credit
Fee info: GBP 3675
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