Scholarships are available under the Challenge Grant programme launched by the Office for Students (OfS), the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), and the Office for Artificial Intelligence to develop innovative postgraduate conversion courses specialising in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS). Scholarship funding is only intended for those underrepresented students listed in the eligibility criteria below.
Eligibility criteria
In addition to having either an unconditional or conditional offer for a place on the University's MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics course (with placement), starting in September 2022, applicants will need to demonstrate that they are categorised under at least one of the 9 underrepresented groups as identified by the OfS. Please study this list carefully. Home students may apply against any of the 9 criteria; however, international students may only apply against criteria: 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
- (1) Black students
- (2) Disabled students
- (3) Female students
- (4) Care leavers
- (5) Polar Q1 and Q2 students
- (6) Refugees given the sanctuary status of the university
- (7) Estranged students
- (8) Gypsy, Roma, Traveller students
- (9) Children from military families, veterans and partners of military personnel.
Prioritising criteria in case of oversubscription
- Students with 2 or more underrepresented group characteristics.
- Care leavers based on the rationale that they are the most underrepresented group within University of Bradford and underrepresented in highly skilled employment.
- Black students based on the rationale that they are the 2nd most underrepresented group within University of Bradford and underrepresented in highly skilled employment.
- Disabled students based on the rationale that they are the 3rd most underrepresented group within University of Bradford and underrepresented in highly skilled employment.
- Female students based on the rationale that they are underrepresented in the digital sector although not underrepresented within the student body at University of Bradford.
Applicable courses
MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Please note, you must have either a conditional or unconditional offer on the MSc in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics of a place BEFORE to applying for this scholarship. Please do not submit an application unless you have an offer letter on the above-mentioned programme.
Furthermore, candidates should read the guidance notes fully before completing the online Scholarship application form.
Payment amount & frequency
Successful applicants will receive £10,000 over the course of the academic year. Payment dates to be confirmed.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.