University of Lugano (Università della Svizzera italiana)  Follow

Summer School - Content Analysis and Natural Language Processing, 2022, University of Lugano, Switzerland

Publish Date: Apr 10, 2022

Deadline: Jul 15, 2022

Event Dates: from Aug 22, 2022 12:00 to Aug 26, 2022 12:00

The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with a practical hands-on and theoretical understanding of new methods in content analysis made possible by applying digital technology to text corpora.

Some of the issues this approach addresses include the following:

  • Understanding the speech of political leaders: What U.S. president is viewed most negatively? Does political speech incite violence?
  • Detecting historical changes in happiness: Which nations are happiest and how has their happiness changed over time? Does national happiness correlate with GDP, longevity, democratization, etc?
  • Predicting views of brands: What does it mean to be a luxury brand? What associations do people have with different products?
  • Using language to predict personality or changes across an individual’s lifespan: How did the writing of Darwin, Mozart, and Van Gogh change across their lifespan?

The course will begin by providing participants with an understanding of what natural language processing offers content analysis. Automation can allow interesting content questions to be answered in very short periods of time (sometimes minutes), saving weeks or months of research time. It can also introduce new questions that lead to innovative research programmes.
Specific cases will be used to motivate more detailed analysis of their methodological approach and participants will work with real data to replicate existing findings and investigate novel hypotheses of their own. Finally, participants will receive guidance in developing and answering questions of their own, working on their own projects.
On completion of the course, participants will be able to recognize and implement many common approaches to content analysis using NLP and take the first steps towards formulating and addressing problems of their own in social data science or the digital humanities. Participants will also be provided with detailed information about how to follow up and learn more with respect to their particular area of interest.

Course leader
Thomas Hills: Professor of Psychology at the University of Warwick and he is currently the Director of the Bridges Doctoral Training Centre in Mathematical and Social Sciences and the Co-Director of the Behavioural Science Global Research Priority.

Target group
Everyone who is interested; there are no formal requirement. Note that many workshops have some prerequisites.

Course aim
The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with a practical hands-on and theoretical understanding of new methods in content analysis made possible by applying digital technology to text corpora.

Credits info
The Summer School cannot grant credits. We only deliver a Certificate of attendance, i.e. we certify your presence

Fee info
CHF 600: Reduced fee: 600 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for students (requires proof of student status).
CHF 1000: Normal fee: 1000 Swiss Francs per weekly workshop for all others.

For further information, please click the "LINK TO ORIGINAL" button below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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