Postdoctoral Training 2021/22 “Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post Crisis Period”, Spain, Italy or Lativa

Publish Date: Jun 21, 2021

Deadline: Sep 01, 2021

This program is designed to advance the academic and professional careers of PhD holders through collaboration with experienced research advisers and participation in multidisciplinary and international research groups together with other post-doctoral fellows.
The language of the program is English and Spanish.

The ESI postdoctoral program facilitates the process of academic mobility. Each candidate would be part of a research visit in Spain, Italy or Lativa at one of the partners Universities. During the research visit, the candidate will participate at the ESI annual conference, working group meetings, workshops and may deliver guest lectures at the host University.

Every selected fellow will deal with a specific societal challenge through attending lectures, courses and scientific conferences while leaving time for guided research.

In times full of challenges with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the world, more than ever, needs further academic advancement. The selected fellows will work on selected topics in the area of social sciences and humanities (Pedagogy, economics, education, law, sociology, philosophy, psychology, history, geography, political science, Tourism, Music, Anthropology and related fields and their subdomains).

Program Activities and Structure

The training program is consisted of three (3) semesters and will be held mainly online.
During the 1st semester, the candidate will have meetings with the research group selected by the organizer. Meetings with the research adviser will also be held online and in every semester. During this semester, short course on good research practices and academic writing will be organized, where researchers will share their knowledge and discuss the recent developments in the area of academic publishing. The candidate will attend free online lectures, workshops, and discussions delivered by the ESI network of experts and will present the concept of the working paper.

  • Forming the research working group and 2 meetings
  • Meeting with the research advisor (at least 2)
  • Attending program lectures
  • Attending the academic writing course
  • Presenting the draft paper (at a conference or to the research advisor)

During the 2nd semester, the candidate will work on the data mining through survey or/and interviews in order to provide dataset for the research. The candidate may also become part of the organizing committees of ESI academic conference or forum. During this semester, the candidate visits the Host University and work on joint research article or a book chapter together with the research adviser(s) and the members of the working group group. If more candidates are working on the same or similar topic at the same Host University, they can organize meetings and workshops as well as joint research analysis and activities. 

  • Data-mining for the working paper
  • Attending program lectures
  • Meeting with the working group
  • Research Visit (Spain)
  • Guest lecture (not mandatory)
  • Presenting the working paper at a conference
  • Participating in the Organizing Committee of one of the ESI Annual Conferences (not mandatory)

In the 3rd semester, the candidate is involved in preparing the research proposal and writing the working paper. If chosen and approved by the organizer, the candidate can complete the research visit during the 3rd semester of the program. The process is followed by discussion in the research group, the program group of experts, and guidance by the research adviser(s). During the last semester, the candidate presents the final version of the paper at online or in-person conferences and submit the paper for publication.

  • Meeting with the research advisor (2 at least)
  • Meeting with the working group
  • Attending program lectures
  • Publication of the paper

ESI Program Organizer

The European Scientific Institute, ESI, is in charge of the full logistics and communication with the applicants and candidates during the program.

The ESI will provide an adequate group of experts in various fields who will not only deliver their lectures for the program`s purposes but will be also available for advises and opinions.

The organizer shall provide free participation of the candidates from the suggested list of international academic conferences and workshops.

The organizer shall suggest open access academic journals for publication of the academic output of each candidate.

Upon agreement with the Host Universities, the organizer will provide access to libraries and databases.

Together with the program director at the Host University, the organizer will provide the necessary information and assist the candidate with documents for visa application (if required).

Research Advisers

The research adviser is a Professor at one of the Host University Departments or a member of the ESI group of experts. The research adviser monitors the academic activities of the candidate by providing suggestions regarding the research methods and preparation of the working paper. He or she may also participate in the research activities and be enlisted as a co-author of the academic output of the candidate.

The Host University and the Organizer of the program, taking into consideration the research topic and the availability of the researchers in a given moment, select the research adviser for each candidate.

The Organizer may also suggest to the candidate to cooperate with other research advisers.


Certificate for successful completion of the ESI postdoctoral training “Social Sciences and Humanities in a Post-Crisis Period” will be awarded to the candidate after the 3rd semester.

– Additional document, which describes the concrete academic activities of the candidate, will be issued.

– The Host University may also issue a confirmation for the research stay, guest lecturing, and/or the other academic activities of the candidate during the research visit.

ESI Lectures

In the past 10 years, the European Scientific Institute, ESI, have created a wide network of experts from different universities worldwide covering various academic domains. For the purpose of the program, every month, ESI will invite an experienced Professor who will deliver an online or in person lecture on a cutting edge topic. The program aims to invite scholars who address topical issues from a multi or inter-disciplinary perspective. The aim of these lectures is to promote intellectual curiosity on the various ways we can study human societies. Hence, speakers are not expected to directly talk about the topics of any particular candidate, but they should be a source of inspiration and widen one’s intellectual horizons.

ESI Working Groups

ESI research groups are organized on a multidisciplinary basis to bring together Fellows from different disciplines working on a similar range of issues. The groups will meet regularly during the duration of the training. The regular meetings of the groups will consist of presentations of the work in progress and the discussion of more general research issues, such as the reading of key or recent works related to the group’s theme. 

ESI Annual Conference

Each year, the program hosts one major conference organized at one of the Host Universities or Online. One aspect of the conference will be focused on research funding and in writing grant proposals. However, the other focus of this conference will be virtual or in person meeting with the other ESI fellows, presentation of the research activities to each other, and discussion of potential cooperation.

Research Proposals and Working Papers

A highly recommended part of the training for every candidate is writing a research proposal. It usually consists of 2-5 pages in a form of grant proposal. It aims to provide experience to the candidate in writing grant proposals, which will be useful for enhancement of his/her academic careers.

Compulsory part of the training for every candidate is creating a Working paper. The working paper should be in a format of a scientific article or a book chapter. It should be prepared and ready for submission. This working paper will be posted at one of the Host University repositories or in a preprint repository and ready to be submitted for publication. However, when a candidate is not motivated to make the content public, he/she should contact the organizer of the program explaining the reasons for the exception.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

Link to Original

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