XVI Diplomatic Seminar of Young Experts, 24-28 May 2021, Russia

Publish Date: May 02, 2021

Deadline: May 06, 2021

Event Dates: from May 24, 2021 12:00 to May 28, 2021 12:00

The Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund begins accepting applications for the XVI Diplomatic Seminar of Young Experts, which for the first time will be organized as a hybrid event. Some participants and experts will attend the event in Moscow in-person while foreign and out-of-town colleagues will be able to participate online on Zoom.

The Diplomatic Seminar of Young Experts is a research and educational program and a youth platform for an open dialogue on the issues of cooperation in international relations, economy, law, public diplomacy and history. The project, which has been implemented since 2012, gathers an audience of over 300 professionals and experts from 30 neighboring countries and beyond. For many of them, participation in the project served as a good professional incentive for further research and social activities.

The XVI Diplomatic Seminar will focus on the issues of global security, regional conflicts, strategic stability and arms control. Meetings with top scholars in the field of foreign affairs, prominent political scientists, politicians, historians and representatives of non-governmental organizations will be organized for the participants as part of the project.

Dates of the event: May 24-28, 2021.  

Place of the event: Moscow, online

Discussions during the Diplomatic Seminar will be organized in thematic blocks:



  • major challenges and threats to global security. Current state of security architecture;

  • regional hot and frozen conflicts: post-Soviet space, Eastern Europe, Middle East, the South China Sea;

  • future of arms control;

  • information and digital security;

  • importance of preserving historical memory in order to prevent conflicts in the world.


Who can attend?


  • students and postgraduates specializing in international relations, journalism, economics, political science and law;

  • representatives of NGOs, student unions and youth movements;

  • young scientists and historians from different regions of Russia, the CIS States, Europe, and Asia (young experts from other continents may also apply);

  • international journalists working in the field of foreign policy positioning.


 Age of participants: 18-30.

A group of participants will be formed based on results of an open competition.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

Further Official Information

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