Durham International Junior Research Fellowships 2018, UK

Publish Date: Oct 30, 2017

Deadline: Dec 01, 2017

Durham International Junior Research Fellowships

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) scheme is designed to attract the most talented researchers in Europe and beyond, and build international networks of scholars with a common passion for the deepest theoretical questions and most pressing practical problems facing humanity.

The JRF scheme is aimed at researchers with significant post-doctoral experience, but recent doctorands of exceptional ability and researchers who have followed non-traditional academic career paths (such as in public corporations, NGOs or industry) are also encouraged to apply. JRFs will pursue new research ideas of their own design, undertaken in collaboration with academic researchers at Durham University.

Applicants are encouraged to take advantage of the diverse spectrum of opportunities offered by the Institutes at Durham, which span the Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and link their proposals to research programmes of the Institutes and their constituent research centres. These Institutes are listed below. Applicants may, however, submit a research proposal that is independent of the Institutes or the Durham Business School, provided that they have a coherent and cogent reason why this research should be conducted in Durham: such 'free-standing' Junior Fellows will be affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Study.

  • Biophysical Sciences Institute (BSI)
  • Durham University Business School (DUBS)
  • Durham Energy Institute (DEI)
  • Durham Global Security Institute (DGSI)
  • Institute of Advanced Study (IAS)
  • Institute of Computational Cosmology (ICC)
  • Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience (IHRR)
  • Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (IMEMS)
  • Institute of Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP)
  • Wolfson Research Institute (WRI)

Applications are also welcome from individuals wishing to collaborate on a research project associated with other research groups or Research Centresat Durham University.

To be eligible, in line with the terms of funding set by Marie Curie, "researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country [ie the UK] of the host organisation [ie Durham University] for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account".

There are no nationality restrictions, but the award of a Fellowship will be conditional on a visa and work permit being secured, if required, from the UK Border Agency.

A member of the Durham academic staff will act as host and Mentor for each Fellow. Before applying, applicants MUST seek the agreement of a Durham academic to act as their host. The host will help them to refine their research proposal and ensure that the appropriate facilities for the conduct of the research project are available in the University. The host is required to complete a proforma, which is a required part of the application documentation. For advice on finding hosts, please visit our Finding an Academic Host page.

For more information please click "Further Official Information" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:


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