To commemorate the connection between the renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan and Trinity College, the College hopes to award a Ramanujan Research Studentship to a student from India who wishes to undertake a PhD in the broad fields of Pure or Applied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge but who is required by the Faculty of Mathematics to take, in the first instance, the course leading to the Master of Advanced Study (MASt) in Mathematics.
Graduates of any university or comparable institution in India who have not already begun residence in Cambridge and who hold a First Class Honours degree or its equivalent, or are likely to do so by the time of entry, are eligible to apply. The Ramanujan Student must become a member of Trinity College and must be admitted by the University’s Postgraduate Admissions Office for study in the University. He/she will normally be expected in the first instance to take the nine month course leading to the Master of Advanced Study (MASt) in Mathematics.
The Ramanujan Studentship is normally awarded for nine months, while the student takes the course leading to the MASt in Mathematics. Subject to completion of the MASt with a Distinction and registration for the PhD degree, the Studentship will then be renewed for up to three further years, subject to satisfactory progress. Exceptionally, a Ramanujan Studentship may be awarded for three years of research leading to the PhD degree without the requirement to study for the MASt.
- hold a First Class Honours degree or its equivalent from any university or comparable institution in India,
- be citizens of India,
- have applied for admission, or already received an offer of admission, for the MASt degree in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge,
- not yet have been members of the University of Cambridge as an undergraduate or postgraduate student
Candidates are expected to have applied to all other sources of financial support open to them. For a student who has no support or only partial support from other sources, the studentship covers:
- Postgraduate Course Fees,
- maintenance allowance (at up to the minimum rate set by the University), and
- return ticket from India to the United Kingdom.
If the Studentship is renewed for the PhD, another return ticket from India to the United Kingdom will be awarded. The applicant may also be considered for a discretionary maintenance allowance for the period between completion of the MASt and commencement of PhD.
An award will be conditional on the applicant being accepted by the University’s Postgraduate Admissions Office for a course in the University. The successful applicant(s) must become member(s) of Trinity College on taking up the Studentship.
For a copy of the Preliminary Application Form, please email gradfunding@trin.cam.ac.uk. Completed Preliminary Application Forms must be returned by post or email to arrive no later than 08 January 2021.
Applicants who are short-listed will be invited to submit a full studentship application by 29 January 2021.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: