Training Course: Economic and Social Re-Integration, UK

Publish Date: Jun 17, 2016

Deadline: Jun 28, 2016


The European Union has been a beacon of peace, justice, equality and economic emancipation among many other things to the world. The free movement of people which has been a tool to drive a more inclusive Europe is under serious threat. The great achievements of European Union which has and is still encouraging so many countries on the by stand to join the union or aspire to join the union despite threats from neighbors.

These same admirable uniqueness which has been hailed as the benefit of the European union are today being re-examined within member states. Questioning the merits of the Union and also testing Union to her limit. The changes experienced in member states as a result of being in EU have created excitements and despair both among citizens and political leaders. We have seen rhetorics from national leaders and political figures which is blurring the real political debate Europe should have.

This training project seeks to engage young people at this moment and time in history on why they should not be ignorant of the consequences of their actions and in actions. With this continuous scrutiny, there is the need to motivate and mobilise young peoples to engage and not ignore this once in a life time debate. Not to take sides on national interests but to make informed decisions about a future that will directly impact them.

This training will bring to fore the need for re-integration and rethinking the concept integration in Europe. The first wave of integration was largely driven by the need to salvage European economic situation after the second world war without adequate regard or understanding of what human and cultural integration will mean or should look like. The 2008 economic recession opened the door for claims and counter claims of the merit and demerits of European integration over the decades.

Europe has come very far in defeating extreme nationalism, fundamentalism, discrimination and xenophobia but the current economic crises is re-introducing imaginary segregation that is defining people based on their nationality and economic output (GDP). No European citizen or aspiring European member states should be allowed to suffer any form of discrimination in the exercise of her freedom and pursuit of happiness as a result of her national economic GDP or monetary contribution to the Union. If this phenomenon is not nipped in the bud, it risks the creation of two tier Europe.

European citizens with full benefits and privileges and European citizens with limited benefits or restrictions and diverse conditions they must constantly meet to access benefits within the Union. A society and union that can not protect all will eventually not be able to protect the few. The role of youth worker can not be over emphasized on the need to keep young people engaged in social integration and helping young people lead a better life.

Part of the objectives of this project is;

-To train 30 youth workers in specific transformational skills e.g team building and team leading skills which will enable them to leverage diversity in a multicultural workspace.
– Train youth workers on social entrepreneurship project and Europe 2020 vision and target
-Train youth workers on skills for multicultural engagement and dialogue
-Train youth workers on skills of how to engage Xenophobic and discriminatory tendencies among young people
-To train youth workers on non-violent skills
-To train youth workers on the fundamental principles of creators who takes the advantages of bad situations to create new better opportunities
– To train youth workers on mapping skills to calibrate the benefits of European membership across Europe
-To train youth workers on wellbeing promotion
– The training will empower youth workers on how to contribute to policy processes around youth unemployment across Europe.


This project is financed by the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.

Accommodation and board will be fully covered.

1. Room and board will be provided
2. No participation fee
3. Travel cost will be reimbursed up to 80% to a maximum of 225 Euros

For more information press "Further official information" below.


This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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