Social Reformers Summer School, 20 - 23 July 2017, UK

Publish Date: May 22, 2017


The Jubilee Centre ran three successful Winter Schools a few years back.  We’ve completely redesigned the school to focus on equipping Christian social reformers for today.

Down through the centuries Christians have cared for the broken and outcast, challenged corrupt institutions and practices, and established initiatives and organisations to help society move closer to God’s intentions. They were driven by a deep conviction that Christ’s work of redemption extends beyond the salvation of souls to the transformation of society itself.

Social reform is part of a long-term movement to change the values, institutions and structures of society for the better. This may involve engaging with politics, but it also extends to businesses, civic groups, public sector organisations and the charity sector.

Christian social reformers don’t just run big campaigns or try to change national laws. They undertake careful research, build collaborative partnerships and tackle the underlying causes of injustice and poverty, while promoting positive changes in social values, based on God’s compassion and justice.


The Social Reformers Summer School is designed for people aged from 20 to 40 who are recent graduates, young professionals and others in business, public services or the charity sector, and who want to see their faith make a lasting impact in wider society.


Over three days, we will look at:

  1. The Profile of a Social Reformer: what it takes to be someone God uses to make a lasting impact in society
  2. The Strategy for Social Reform: many people want to see more social justice, but we need a specifically biblical approach to changing society if we’re to see the gospel flourish too
  3. ‘Where do I start?’: The essential workshop where you will turn an idea or vision that you carry in your heart into a strategy for getting started.

How much?

Early bird fees (up to 15th May): £295 for people in employment, £225 for students or unwaged. Full price from May 16th: £365 or £285 if unwaged. This includes boarding for three nights at Westminster College, tuition fees, study materials, all meals, refreshments, Cambridge heritage tour and gala dinner.

For more details and an application form, contact Sally Bertlin or phone 01223 566319.

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United Kingdom