Princeton Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
For the 2020-2023 fellowship competition, five fellowships will be awarded; applicants have the option to apply for more than one fellowship pertinent to their research and teaching. The application deadline is August 6, 2019 (11:59 p.m. EST). Please note that, for 2019 and future years, the Society of Fellows' application deadline is to be the first Tuesday of August, in anticipation of Princeton University's new academic calendar.
1. Three Open Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences (OPEN)
Open to all disciplines represented in the Society of Fellows (see list below). The fellowship’s responsibilities include both research and teaching (one course each semester for two years, one course in the third year). The fellow will either participate in a team-taught course or offer a self-designed course, in the host department or in an interdisciplinary Program. In addition, the fellow normally does some advising in his/her specialty or related areas.
2. One Fellowship in Humanistic Studies (HUM)
This fellowship is sponsored jointly by the Humanities Council and Society of Fellows, and is open to candidates in humanities disciplines represented in the Society of Fellows (see list below). The fellowship’s responsibilities include both research and teaching (one course each semester for two years, one course in the third year). In the spring semester of the first two years, the fellow will join faculty from various fields to teach in the Humanities Sequence, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Western Culture from the Renaissance to the Modern Period. In the fall semester of the first year, the fellow will offer a self-designed course in the host department or an interdisciplinary program. In the fall semester of the second year, the fellow will teach an interdisciplinary course in Humanistic Studies. This course might take a more intensive look at materials from “Approaches to Western Culture” or offer an interdisciplinary approach to the fellow's own area of expertise. The fellow will be called upon to lead or contribute to occasional activities designed to build a sense of community among undergraduates in the Humanistic Studies Program—the program offers local and international field trips, an undergraduate society, workshops and other opportunities.
3. One Fellowship in Race and Ethnicity Studies
The Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Study of Race and/or Ethnicity is sponsored jointly by the offices of the President and Dean of the Faculty of Princeton University, and the Society of Fellows. The fellow will be expected to pursue research that explores the discursive forms and meanings of concepts of race and ethnicity in one or more selected disciplines in the humanities and affiliated social sciences (see list below). The selection committee particularly welcomes applications from candidates whose scholarship is driven by innovative, interdisciplinary, and historical ways of thinking, including interests in pre-modern and non-western cultures. In each of the first two years, the successful candidate pursues research half-time and teaches one self-designed course each semester, either in the host department or an interdisciplinary program. In addition, the fellow normally does some advising in his/her specialty or related areas. In the third year, the fellow teaches one course in fall or spring and devotes the other semester to full-time research.
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This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: