Honours Master's Programme in East European Studies 2017, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Publish Date: May 11, 2017

Deadline: Jun 21, 2017

The aim of this four-semester interdisciplinary Honours Master's programme in East European Studies is to provide specialized regionally focused knowledge on Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe.

Students will be trained to analyse developments, patterns and situations in Eastern Europe and to embed these within a broader political, social, economic, historical and cultural framework. Along with professional knowledge in relevant disciplines and competence in one or more East European languages, students will be provided key skills that should enable them in future to assume responsible positions in the areas of politics and policy, economics, cultural affairs and science.

This Honours programme is part of the Elite Network Bavaria (Elitenetzwerk Bayern) and is offered jointly by the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and the University of Regensburg. Its special features include an above average work load (e.g. at least six 20-page essays, Hausarbeiten), modularization, an interdisciplinary project course, tutorials, internships, an interdisciplinary summer school in Eastern Europe, intensive languages courses, and orientation to the international arena.

Programme Requirements

The curriculum is modularized.
Requirement for completion: 120 ECTS credit points.

  • Major subject: 30 credits (two modules plus electives)
  • Subsidiary subject(s): 20 credits (two modules plus electives)
  • Project module: 10 credits
  • Language courses: 16 credits
  • Summer school: 8 credits
  • Internship: 6 credits
  • Master thesis: 24 credits
  • Oral examination: 6 credits

Subjects taught

History (LMU Munich, University of Regensburg)

The courses in the subject field History develop the historical dimensions of current problems in Eastern, East central and Southeastern Europe. The temporal horizon extends from the beginning of the 18th century down to the present. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis of historical and contemporary antagonisms bound up with imperial and national principles of organization in Eastern Europe. The aim is to render better comprehensible the historical development of imperial, national, religious and regional identities along with their meanings in and for the present. Other thematic foci are conflict research and the historical development of relations between Eastern and Western Europe viewed through the prisms of political history, economic history and the history of discourse.

Legal Studies (University of Regensburg)

The studies are focused mainly on the EU law and human rights matters.

In the framework of the EU law the institutional structure of the EU is analyzed. The functions of the EU institutions and the mode of action of the EU legal acts are explained. In particular, the relations between the EU and the new member states of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe are examined. Special attention is also given to contacts of the EU with other states, such as Russian Federation and Ukraine.

In the framework of human rights matters special attention is given to the protection of human rights in Eastern Europe. In particular the role of the European Convention on Human Rights is emphasized.

Slavic Languages and Literatures (LMU Munich, University of Regensburg)

In the teaching programme for Slavonic Studies of literature, the concept of identity is central. The programme looks from a comparative perspective at various Slavic literatures, their reciprocal contacts and their contacts with non-Slavic cultures and text worlds. Another focus is the sociology of literature, namely the role of literature in the formation of social identities and its importance in processes of political and social transformation.

In addition to the classical objects of studies in linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics) there are further key aspects of teaching: text linguistics, cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and formal aspects of the description of language. This not only gives an insight into the rich tradition and the current diversity of Slavonic Linguistics, but also provides an overview of current discussions in general linguistics.

European Ethnology (LMU Munich)

In view of the rapid and profound process of transformation under way in Eastern Europe, it is especially important to gain a new understanding of cultural and social change on the level of everyday life. The teaching programme of European Ethnology emphasises this dimension in particular. Along with new knowledge about the cultures and societies of Eastern Europe, central here is the acquiring of a working knowledge of the specific methods used in Ethnology.

Political Science (LMU Munich)

The field of Political Science introduces students to a comparative analysis of the political systems in countries in Eastern Europe. »Eastern Europe« at the beginning of the 21st century is no longer a homogeneous region. To better understand its diversity, it is necessary to have an understanding of basic concepts in international comparative systems theory. Knowledge about political actors, institutions and processes in the states in Eastern Europe is explored here embedded in a framework from political science on how to analyse modern political systems and develop new perspectives on difference. Students investigate the complex interaction of ongoing processes of transformation and Europeanization in the new member states of the EU in Eastern Europe as well as topics in foreign affairs and security policy.

Comparative Literature (University of Regensburg)

Comparative and General Literature studies the history and poetics of German, Slavic, English, American and Romance literatures in addition to exploring the relationship between literature and newer media. A close relationship to Art, Cultural Studies and the Social Sciences in addition to  interdisciplinary approaches shape the curriculum. Areas of research are literary theory; theories of the production, distribution and reception of literature, arts and other media; study of the evolution of motives, styles and forms of expression in one literature and during transfer from one literature to another.

Political Economy (University of Regensburg)

Focal areas here are development economics and transition economics. Within the transition economics, students look at reform strategies, strategies for foreign trade, questions of competition and the capital market as they relate to economies in dynamic transformation. In the economics of development, key questions are the causes of underdevelopment and the measuring of indicators for development. Further thematic foci relating to the economies in transition in Eastern Europe are poverty and income distribution, the environment, migration, and unemployment.

Jewish History and Culture (LMU Munich)

Within the framework of the elite Master's degree in East European Studies, the discipline Jewish History and Culture is devoted especially to the early modern and modern history of the Jews, whilst also taking into account their mediaeval history.  Beginning with the key Jewish regions of Eastern and Central Europe, it seeks to delineate the pathways of a diasporic society distinguished by its high level of social and geographical mobility.  Particular emphasis is placed on topics such as Jewish memory culture and historical narratives.

Turkish and Ottoman Studies (LMU Munich)

The Ottoman Empire was one of the three empires that shaped Eastern Europe decisively since early modern times. The empire integrated religiously and ethnically diverse populations and, together with the emerging national successor states, developed particular forms of modernity.
Turkish and Ottoman Studies in Munich concentrate on cultural and social history from the early modern era to present times. Special attention is paid to study the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey not only as Middle Eastern or Islamic phenomena but also in its European context.
Individual courses deal also with Turkish literature in its historical context.

Admission requirements

Very good or good Higher Education Entrance Qualification (HEEQ), or foreign equivalent; at least Bachelor’s degree in a recognized academic field with very good or good examination results; very good knowledge of German; good knowledge of English; at least basic knowledge of one East European language; successful personal interview in Munich; successful written examination in English.

Administration fee

Munich: 52 EUR per semester (+ 59 EUR ticket for public transportation) = 111 EUR
Regensburg: 52 EUR per semester (+ 77 EUR ticket for public transportation) = 129 EUR

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