The workshop on Chinese Religious Poetry will bring together twelve junior scholars (six graduate studetns and six early-career faculty) from North American to present original research on the intersections of Chinese religions and poetry. Reasearch can come from all traditions and time periods.
At the workship, participants will be asked to include two elements in their presentations: a case study and a theoretical reflection. The case study could be a close reading pf a text, a statistical analysis of a textual corpus, an explanation about the social-historical processes shaping a text culture, or any other sort of focused argument that grounds the scholar in a specific time and place. The theoretcial reflection should bring out the larger implications of the case study and explicitly address a non-sinological audience by explaining how it helps us answer or complicate the cross-disciplinary question, "What is religious poetry?"
The focus of the workship is dialogue and collaboration.
Participants will be paired with another presenter according to shared thematic interests and willserve as disussants for one another's papers, capped by a period of open discussion focused on both their topics. The workshop will conclude with an extended discussion of the theories and problems raised.
The workshop will provide accommodations, meals, and a travel subvention for all participants.
Abstract Deadline: June 30, 2016: Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words
Final Draft Deadline: November 4, 2016
Workshop Date: December 2-3 2016
For more information, please email:
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