Conf/CfP - Large-Scale Violence and Its Aftermaths, Kean University, 25-29 June 2017, USA

Publish Date: Jan 24, 2017

Deadline: Jan 31, 2017

Event Dates: from Jun 25, 2017 12:00 to Jun 29, 2017 12:00

Large-Scale Violence and Its Aftermaths
Kean University | June 25-29, 2017

Submission deadline: January 31, 2017

Large-Scale Violence and Its Aftermaths is a summer institute comprising a two-day conference focusing on the United States (June 25-26), followed by half-day working groups over three days on other societies around the world for comparison (June 27-29). It will explore tested and contested measures of dealing with the global legacies of large-scale, collective violence and atrocity crimes – including crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide – against vulnerable communities and fueled by terrorist acts, rogue states, authoritarian regimes, asymmetrical warfare, internal conflict, and institutionalized discrimination. The Institute’s purpose is twofold: to clarify the anemic performance by state actors in managing atrocity and large-scale violence and restoring confidence in social stability and security; and to consider non-state, civil-society alternatives that, in the aggregate, could move progressively forward toward securing, if not transforming, successor societies.

The conference and working groups will take place at Kean University, Union, NJ, nearest Newark; near New York City. These sessions are intended for scholars, non-governmental organization practitioners, government and think-tank policymakers, and teachers at all levels. Professional development and completion certificates, as well as Kean University course credits, will be made available upon request, after the conference and/or working groups. Attorneys may receive CLE credit in “professional practice” for particular qualifying sessions and working groups.

Co-sponsors, co-conveners, and keynoters

The conference-and-working groups Summer Institute is organized and hosted by the Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Kean University and is co-organized with the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and the Cardozo Law School’s Human Rights and Atrocity Prevention Clinic, with support from Kean University’s Office of Academic Affairs and Jewish Studies Program. The Summer Institute is co-convened by the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University; American Ethical Union, a federation of Ethical Societies in the United States representing the Ethical Culture movement; the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University; the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University; and Kean University’s Human Rights Institute.

Keynoting the Institute are Pablo de Greiff, Colombian Human Rights activist and UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence (confirmed); Fania E. Davis, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (confirmed); and others.

Proposal submission guidelines

We are seeking papers for conference panels and working groups to evaluate the U.S. record in addressing domestic and foreign policy injustices and, by comparison and for cross-pollination, practices abroad that provide a dozen or more paradigms for dealing with historical and contemporary injustices. What accounts for the relatively slow pace or reluctance in the United States to respond systematically and proportionately to its realities of large-scale violence and its legacies of structural inequalities? In light of advancements and setbacks in other parts of the world—including the Balkans, sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia—what is the value of civil society experiments as proportionate counter-forces against injustices, such as transitional justice, truth commissions, exemplary criminal justice, restorative justice conferences, counter-monuments, and human rights interventions? What challenges do we face and what resolutions do we consider in marking a path forward? The conference and working groups will look at specific flash points of vulnerability to injustices, including, for example, violence against African American and Native American communities, forced sterilization practices, the expulsion of Mexican-Americans, and the internment of Japanese Americans in the U.S. (the conference), as well as, for comparison, the Balkan conflicts, South African apartheid, the the military dictatorships of Latin America, and genocide in Indonesia, Rwanda, Cambodia, and Bangladesh (the working groups). We welcome to the conversation a wide range of experience and scholarship as well as other instances of historical and contemporary injustices and case studies of other vulnerable communities.

Potential conference themes include, but are not limited to:

  • Global paradigms of post-conflict trajectories
  • Transitional justice: concepts and case studies
  • Social violence and its aftermath: the US record
  • A US context for addressing injustice: paradigms for the here and now
  • Peace, conflict resolution, and conflict transformation in central Africa
  • The role of civil society in successor states
  • Memory and justice after conflict and genocide
  • The predatory politics of sustainable development
  • What works, what doesn’t, what’s on the horizon?
  • Special one-day workshop: “Reflections in the Aftermath of War and Genocide: Empathy,

Coexistence, Imagination, Resilience,” organized by the Reflections Organizing Committee, a consortium of scholars and practitioners affiliated with Cornell University, Kean University, Georgia State University, and Yale University.

Potential working groups include, but are not limited to:

  • Historical Dialogue and Opposing Views of the Past
  • International Law and Legal Mechanisms for Addressing Past Violence
  • Indigenous Rights and Responding to Legacies of Indigenous Abuses
  • Security Sector Reform and Law Enforcement Reform
  • Truth Commissions: From the Local to the Federal Levels
  • Restorative Justice
  • Economic and Symbolic Reparations
  • The Role of Memory in Recognition and Prevention

To meet our objectives toward sharing successes, failures, and best practices in responding to atrocity violence, we invite 250-word proposals by January 31 to Decisions will be communicated to selected presenters by March 15. Presented papers will be scheduled for publication and will form the basis of policy recommendations. Please note: Attendance requires a registration fee for the conference and/or working groups. Registration discounts available for both conference and working groups and for students. Keynoters and co- sponsors in formation; please inquire if interested. Please address any questions to Brandon Moye,

For more information click "Further official information" below.

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