Conf/CfP - Narrative and Narratology in Pre-modern Historiography, Swedish Research Institute, Turkey

Publish Date: Mar 31, 2022

Deadline: Apr 30, 2022

Event Dates: from Nov 03, 2022 12:00 to Nov 04, 2022 12:00

The aim of this workshop is to bring together PhD students and early career scholars who work with issues of narrative and narratology in pre-modern historiography. We wish to share and discuss different approaches, examine theories and methodologies, and – above all – encourage dialogue between students and scholars working on different periods and different cultures, from antiquity onwards and beyond. Questions and topics could include, but are in no way limited to:

  • How should we approach issues of factuality and fictionality in historiography?
  • How can postclassical narratology be useful for the study of historiography?
  • To what extent are concepts such as worldmaking, possible worlds, and storyworlds useful for the study of historiography?
  • How can narratology help us explore power dynamics, subalternity, and minor characters in historiography?
  • How do historians negotiate the conflicting demands of teleology and experientiality?

The workshop format is designed to facilitate interaction between the participants, especially that between senior and junior scholars. The 2-day workshop will have ca 12 participants, who will be asked to pre-circulate their papers; at the workshop, short introductions by the authors (15 minutes) will be followed by responses from designated discussants (10 minutes) and a general discussion. The workshop will close with a roundtable discussion introduced by Eva von Contzen, Jonas Grethlein, and Karin Kukkonen.

Convenors: Aske Damtoft Poulsen, Matthew Kinloch, Ingela Nilsson

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