An academic programme offers an interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of architecture, urban planning, history of architecture and urban history on the example of the city of Ostrava.
Course leader
Associate Professor Eva Špačková, Ph.D.
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture
Ludvíka Podéště 1875/17, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Target group
The summer school programme complements the university education. Particularly recommended for students in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning, history of architecture and urban history, municipal development and geography. Another target group is professionals who want to go beyond the limits of their narrow specialization and people interested on architecture in their programme of life-long education.
Course aim
The summer course is oriented on (post)industrial city of Ostrava from different perspectives of architectural history, current development and transformation to sustainable future of the city and region. A significant part of the program focuses on experimental procedures in the mediation of knowledge and creation of architectural solutions. The summer school of architecture offers 5 working days of creative experience filled with a team workshop, individual mini workshops, urban games in the streets of Ostrava, lectures, discussions, site visits and city research.
Credits info
2 EC
All students who successfully finish the course programme receive a certificate evaluated by 2 ECTS credits.
Fee info
EUR 30: Course fee 30 EU includes administrative and teaching costs (food and accomodation during the course is not included)
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