Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung “Dialogue Eastern Europe” Project 2021, Ukraine

Publish Date: Sep 05, 2020

Deadline: Sep 11, 2020

Friedrich-Eber-Stiftung “Dialogue Eastern Europe” Project

The Regional Office of the Friedrich-Eber-Stiftung “Dialogue Eastern Europe” is inviting representatives of civil society from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine to apply for project funding. The five best project proposals will receive up to EUR 5,000 of financial support.

Focus areas

Socio-ecological transformation

Since the industrial revolution, the world has been largely governed by an economic model that is based on continuous growth in production and consumption, as well as increasing the added value through overexploitation of natural resources. This massive growth dynamics of capitalism however has used up the Earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate those resources and has resulted in a number of ecological side effects. Business-as-usual scenario will only carve new social divides, leading to a situation where competition over resources increases.

Our societies should develop a common understanding of the quality of life, wealth and economic development that takes into account sustainability, solidarity and justice. Promoting new ideas and proposals should be the starting point for socio-economic transformation and profound structural changes. Projects should focus on promoting a green economy that is based on social equity, with a special attention to socially disadvantaged groups. Since a broad social consensus is necessary to promote social and environmental change, we welcome project proposals that engage actors from different sectors such as civil society, government, progressive business and academia. 

Political and socio-economic aspects of gender equality

In most countries of the region, gender equality is gradually becoming part of a national discourse on a just and sustainable social order. The authorities have appointed gender equality commissioners, and introduced regulatory documents to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender.

At the same time, gender justice is also a socio-economic issue. Socio-economic aspects of gender justice have not been addressed in the region. The existing social structures ensure a continuous reproduction of inequality. There is still a huge income gap between men and women and "traditional" gender patterns prevail, e.g., in households and child- and eldercare. Therefore, we support projects and initiatives that address the socio-economic dimension of gender justice and/or strengthen social and political participation of women.

Eligibility criteria

Proposals can be submitted by public organisations, civic initiatives, think tanks and research institutions from 6 Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Russia. Project proposals can be written either in English or Russian language. Projects should address one or more of the above-mentioned priorities. Innovative approaches are desirable.

In order to be eligible for funding, the project should focus not only on purely national issues, but also include issues that are relevant to other countries in the Eastern Partnership region. Ideally, project funded through this Call for Proposals should involve cooperation between several partners from the EaP countries and/or Russia with the aim of developing results with a regional perspective. However, proposals from individual organisations will also be considered. In case of multi-partner cooperation, the proposal should be submitted by a single applicant.

The project budget must not exceed 5,000 EUR. The project will be financed directly by the Regional Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung “Dialogue Eastern Europe”. Thus, the applicant does not need to include additional accounting costs.

Project implementation should start after 25 September. The projects should be implemented by the end of 2020.

The FES does not provide institutional support nor it finances infrastructure projects, purchase of technical equipment, donation campaigns, etc.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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