PGSM Scholarship Program
The Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris offers to students, selected through an online application process, some scholarships of 1 or 2 years in one of the universities of its network. The laureates will be able to register to the universities of the FSMP network. They will benefit from a range of courses based on the skills of the whole parisian laboratories in mathematical sciences research.
This program is supported in particular by the French Embassies in South Africa and Lesotho, Albania, Austria, Bolivia, Cameroon, Korea, Hugary, Iran, Iceland, Japan, Madagascar, Quebec, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, Sudan, Uruguay, Vietnam, as well as Paris Sciences Lettres (PSL), Inria and Paris 13 University (LAGA) .
The scholarship
This scholarship is available for students who wish to pursue their study in the first and/or in the second year of master in fundamental mathematics and theoretical computer science.
Starting date
The scholarship starts on September,1st 2019. It is mandatory for PGSM laureates to be in Paris on September 1st to benefit from intensive french courses and to complete the administrative procedures.
The scholarship
The laureates PGSM laureates receive a scholarship of 1100 euros per month maximum : 600€/month + 500 €/month for a housing benefit (upon justification only)
The FSMP will take care of finding an accomodation for the laureates in students residence under preferential conditions. Furthermore, the FSMP reimburses each laureate the cost of a return ticket from his/her homecountry to Paris (one return ticket in economic class per year)
Laureates for M2 studies will receive a scholarship for 10 months (+ 2 months if they want to do a doctorate in France).
Laureates for M1 studies will receive a 12-month scolarship. The extension of the scholarship for a second year is subject to the successful completion of the fist year and the jury's approval.
Administrative and scientific support
The administrative team of the Foundation helps every students to be well integrated in the Paris' microcosm. The team also helps them for any administrative procedures such as Universtity registration, medical care or Visa's procedure.
Laureates benefit from a scientific supervision and a follow-up of their school results:
- Advice on courses : The laureates benefit from personalised advice from a tutor at the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris who will be his/her tutor during one or two years. The tutor advises his/her student on what courses to choose, depending on his/her previous education and plans for further study. He can also gives advice on what to do after the first year of master and help his/her students consider the option of further study at the end of the master.
- Direction of studies : The Fundation and the director of studies regularly check on the scientific progress of PGSM students. Individual support, relying on doctoral students for example, can be set up on a case-by-case basis.
- For non French speaking students : Students' tutors may propose non-french speaking pupils to be helped in English, and may guide them to follow some trainings to learn French as a foreign language. It is wisely adviced for students who do not speak any French to undertake some intensive training before the begining of the school year, in their host university.
For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.
This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here: