Skopje Youth Summit, The Youth Initiative for Human Rights, December 3-5, 2019, North Macedonia

Publish Date: Nov 10, 2019

Deadline: Nov 14, 2019

Event Dates: from Dec 03, 2019 12:00 to Dec 05, 2019 12:00

Skopje Youth Summit

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights will hold the 5th Youth Summit in Skopje, North Macedonia, from December 3 to 5. The region’s keystone youth event will promote democratic unity and strengthen pro-democracy discourse and convictions among youth in the Western Balkans region and beyond, allowing them to connect and reconnect, learn from one another and gain greater understanding of political movements and civil society around the world.

The previous four Youth Summits offered engaging and interesting insight into democratic processes and peace activism, prompting discussions and debates from various perspectives. 

This year, we decided to keep the conversation going, but also to invite young people everywhere to get out there and walk the talk – which is why the Summit will offer engaging, interactive workshops that will allow participants to put all they have learned into practice.

Who is SKYS for?

Skopje Youth Summit is for young people who are unafraid to challenge the status quo, who are passionate about building peaceful, democratic societies across the world and who are curious to learn and exchange knowledge with others. 

The Summit will gather 200 people from the Western Balkans region and beyond, including political and NGO activists, media practitioners, artists, and academics.

Main topics within SKYS

The Summit will explore various aspects of activism and different creative ways to mobilize communities in order to enable democratic processes. In an engaging and interactive way, it will teach participants about the democratic changes that took place in North Macedonia, and offer parallels to similar processes across the globe. Throughout SKYS, participants will be able to gain insight into different forms of political participation, outside of the realm of high-level politics, but also within the context of online and offline campaigns, peacebuilding through sports and art as a medium of spreading peace.

The topic of the status of Western Balkans countries within EU integration processes will be one of the central issues explored at the Summit, and how the various positives and negatives on the EU accession path affect societies in the region. 

Within the overarching theme of the capacity of youth to overcome great challenges and build bridges in divided communities, one of the central panels will explore how young people who were affected by the wars in ex-Yugoslavia managed to rebuild their lives and ignite dialogue and reconciliation with their life stories and work.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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