2nd International Congress on Ottoman Studies (OSARK), 17-20 October 2018, Albania

Publish Date: Mar 27, 2018

Deadline: Aug 15, 2018

Event Dates: from Oct 17, 2018 12:00 to Oct 20, 2018 12:00

Tirana University is Hosting OSARK Congress

First International Congress on Ottoman Studies was held between 14-17 October 2015 in Sakarya, Turkey. As a follow-up, the 2nd International Congress on Ottoman Studies will be held in cooperation with the Turkish Historical Society (TTK), between 17-20 October in Tirana, Albania, where Tirana University will be the host of the event. Further details will be announced soon.

The languages of presentations are going to be in Turkish, English and Albanian. The present congress is going to cover mainly the following themes, though not limited to: 

1. Religion & Society
2. Politics & Law
3. Economy
4. Military & War 
5. International Relations & Diplomacy
6. History, Culture & Arts
7. Science, Technology & Thought
8. Education
9. Health


1. Religion and Society

In the Ottoman State, which is a medieval empire in terms of its founding principles, religion played an important role in governance, law, economy, social structure and social interactions. The issues related to the religious structure of the Empire and how it created a peaceful environment for the coexistence of diverse ethnic and religious groups under its reign for a period need stretching over six centuries need to be studied. This is especially important because it sets apart the Ottoman Empire from other medieval empires.

Religion, its influence on the formation and application of politics

Muslim – Non-Muslim relations

State and society

Religious life of Muslims and Non-Muslims

Conversion, apostasy

Opposition movements

Endowments and their place in the social structure

2. Politics and Law

Although politics is one of the most discussed issues of Ottoman history, there is a need for new studies in accordance with modern historical approaches to the central and provincial organization of the state. In order to properly understand these issues Ottoman administrative and social, and legal structures,both their theories and applications, need to be examined. Such studies related to politics and the legal system will make significant contributions to Ottoman studies.


Administrative and bureaucratic structure

Legal thought and its practices

Legal and political changes in the classical and modern age

3. Economy

The Ottoman Empire created an "Imperial economy" in line with its political development. In addition to the basic sectors of this economy, such as agriculture and trade, the history ofmonetary and credit relations, which have not been studied sufficiently, needs to be examined. Clarification of this economic structure will contribute a truer and more holistic understanding of Ottoman civilization.

The relation of production and consumption

Economic-financial structure

Operation of commercial structure

International trade

Mining industry

4. Army and War

The Ottoman army, one of the most powerful armies of its time, held a central position in the structure of the Empire. This gave the army authority to play a major role in terms of transformation or conservation of state organization.

War and the army were closely related to the economic, social, political and military structures of the Ottoman Empire. Until recently, these subjects have been examined only from a political point of view. There is a need to examine war and the army from different perspectives, such as the economic, technological, logistical, social, psycho-social, etc.

Military structure

Organization of war

War industry

War and economy

Ottoman navy

5. International Relations and Diplomacy

It is doubtless that international relations of the Ottoman Empire present a rich source of materials to the researchers. Studies related to Ottoman international relations and diplomacy will make significant contributions to the field.

Foreign policy

Treaties and Ahdnames


Security and intelligence

6. History, Culture and Arts

Cultural and artistic activities in the Ottoman period can be considered as indicators of the formation of a common civilization and a mirror of the Ottoman world view. In this context, new studies reflecting Ottoman aesthetic understandings and sensitivities in areas such as architecture, music, literature, miniature/painting, calligraphy, culinary culture and dress and finery etc. are encouraged.






Traditional and modern arts

7. Science, Technology and Intellectual Life

Subjects such as science, technology and thoughtare the most neglected research areas within the context of Ottoman studies. The intellectual, scientific and technological traditions which the Ottomans had inherited and their contributions to this heritage need to be examined. The historical development of Ottoman thought and its interaction with other cultures, as well as the transfer of Western science and technology and its consequences also await much-needed examination.

Philosophical, theological and mystical thought


Medical sciences     

Production of technology (industrial, military, etc.)

Cultural/intellectual interactions

8. Education

Through education the Ottoman Empire was able touniteits society around common values and to train dignitaries of the state in order to employ for the administrative structure. The organizational structure and training programs of the institutions established in the classical age, such as the Enderun, madrasas, primary schools and the institutions for technical education played an important role in the education process. Other centres of learning were sufi lodges and guilds. All of these, as well as the drastic changes in education with the advent of modern educational institutions need to be examined carefully.

Classical and modern educational institutions and organizations

Technical training

Teacher-student mobilityin the classical and modern periods

Education regulations

9. Health

Although Ottoman medical history is a relatively well-studied area, it still contains issues which need to be examined in more detail. In this context, health perception in the classical and modern periods, the organizational structure of the medical service, the state’s health care policy, and changes in the health service with the introduction of modern medicine constitute important research subjects.

Perception of health

Organization of medical service

Health policies

Folk medicine



One Authored Application   Multi-Authored Application  
Full applicant 175€ First Author 175€
Graduate student 120€ The other applicants (if participate) 100€
The fee includes accommodations, lunch, refreshments, gala dinner, congress kit, congress book etc. 

To Apply

You need to register on the original website and submit your Final Papers due deadline.

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below.

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