Webster Vienna Scholarships, Webster University, Vienna

Publish Date: May 10, 2016

Deadline: Jun 15, 2016

Webster Vienna encourages all incoming undergraduate (bachelor), transfer, and graduate (master) students with exceptional academic achievement and proven financial need to apply for a Webster Vienna Scholarship. Applicants must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on the American 4-point scale. Please submit the Scholarship Application by no later than June 15th. 

Webster Vienna Scholarships for undergraduate students cover between 10-50% (with no award exceeding 50%), while graduate scholarships cover between 10-25% of tuition for accepted applicants. 


A newly accepted undergraduate, graduate, or transfer student (with less than 90 hours of transfer credits) who has a minimum GPA of 3.0. Applicants must demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and outstanding spoken and written English well above the English as a Second Language level.


Must be enrolled full-time (24 credits/year undergraduate, 12 credits/year graduate) and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 each semester for renewal.


Webster Vienna Scholarships are available to applicants who will begin their studies in the Fall 1, 2016 term in August, 2016 or the Spring 1 term in January, 2017.

How to Apply

Please apply using the Webster Vienna Scholarship Application, submitting it no later than the June 15th, 2016 deadline. An applicant must email/scan all required documents in .pdf or .docx format and send to scholarship@webster.ac.at. If to mail, send them to

Katherine Price Beuchert,
M.A. Webster Vienna Private University
Praterstrasse 23
1020 Vienna

Required Documents

Scholarship applications MUST contain the following documents:

  1. Webster Vienna Scholarship Application submitted by the deadline June 15, 2016.
  2. A 1000-1200 word essay on one of the two topics provided.
  3. Official documentation (see above & checklist pg.5), officially translated into English if necessary, should be mailed to the scholarship coordinator.
  4. If emailing (scholarship@webster.ac.at) your application, please only submit your documents in .pdf or .docx format. We cannot accept zip or .rar formats.

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

http://webster.ac.at/scholarships#Webster Vienna Scholarships

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