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PhD Fellowships 2019 - Archeology of the Female Intellectual Identity (Denmark and Germany, 1650-1800” at the Department of Media, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Publish Date: Jun 10, 2019

Deadline: Aug 12, 2019

2 PhD Positions to the DFF project “Archeology of the Female Intellectual Identity (Denmark and Germany, 1650-1800” at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, invites applications for 2 PhD positions. The successful candidates will be appointed to the Project “Archeology of the Female Intellectual Identity (Denmark and Germany, 1650-1800)” funded by DFF, led by PI Sabrina Ebbersmeyer. The project is expected to begin on November 1, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Application deadline: August 12, 2019

Description of the project

Empirical evidence suggests that women still face considerable challenges when choosing a career in academia. This is true in particular for the discipline of philosophy. One of the crucial but mostly overlooked reasons for this exclusion of women lies in a certain tacit understanding of the discipline of philosophy and of the alleged female character, which both have their origin in the early modern period. The project will be carried out by uncovering the construction of the female intellectual, as it can be found in relevant writings about female philosophers during the early modern period; these findings will be contrasted with the conceptualization of female intellectuals found in the writings of women themselves. The sources to be investigated comprise the genre of the so-called lærde fruentimmer and Gelehrte Frauenzimmer respectively, as well as the writings of two outstanding female philosophers from Denmark and Germany, namely Birgitte Thott (1610-1662) and Elisabeth von der Pfalz (1618-1680).

Job content and qualifications requirements
Applicants should hold a Master’s degree in philosophy with good results and good English skills. Familiarity with methods in the history of philosophy and gender analysis are of advantage.

PhD project 1: The female intellectual identity in the Danish context (sources to be investigated: genre lærde fruentimmer and the writings of Birgitte Thott). Danish reading skills are required.

PhD project 2: The female intellectual identity in the German context (sources to be investigated: genre Gelehrte Frauenzimmer). German reading skills are required.

The 2 positions are available for a 3-year period and your key tasks as a PhD student at Humanities are:

  • To manage and carry through your research project
  • Attend PhD courses
  • Write scientific articles and your PhD thesis
  • Teach and disseminate your research
  • To stay at an external research institution for a few months, preferably abroad
  • Work for the department

For more information click "LINK TO ORIGINAL" below

This opportunity has expired. It was originally published here:

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